Getting sick -Rick (him)

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Everyone was getting sick it was some kind of some stomach bug going round . Poor Hershel was running round trying to stay on top of everything along with yourself and Rick. Everyone else was pretty down with it.

You walked into Carl 's cell brining him some cold water he been sleeping off and on all day and he needed to keep hydrated. You sat down on the bed and gentle shock him

" hey buddy wake up for me for a minute " you said he didn't stir.. you had to shake him a couple more time before his eyes slowly open and he groan trying to turn away. you smile he was like his father on this hard to wake up.

"come on take a few sip and you can go back to sleep " you said and finally sat up took a few sip before flopping back down on the bunk again already asleep. You smiled and brush some hair out of his face and stood up leaving the glass of water on the table beside the bunk .

You turned around and saw Rick leaning against the open doorway "How is he?" he asked " ok just wanted to make sure he drunk something been sleeping all day " you replied walking over to him..

That when you noticed he didn't look so good " Are you feeling ok you don't look so good?" you asked reaching up a touching his forehead.." I am ok " he said " no your burning up " you told him

you took him by his hand led him back to the cell you two shared.. " I have things I need to do " he said without much fight as he automatically headed for the bunk and collapsed on the bed " well whatever you have to do can wait I am going to get Hershel to check you " you said but didn't receive no response

You hurried out of the cell to find Hershel he was just leaving Beth's cell "How Beth ?" you asked "Better she eaten a little today just weak.. just like a couple other people I think it only a couple days " Hershel replied. You nodded

"Rick sick now can you check him out " you Hershel nodded and followed you " I am not surprise he run himself into the ground everyday " he said as you reached the cell you walked in and walked over to the bunk Rick was rolled on his side asleep already snoring .

you chuckle "I was only gone three minute's " you said and let Hershel do his thing Rick didn't even stir though the whole process. " he just need to sleep and drink plenty of fluid. " he said and then turn to you .

You might want to take this chance to rest so you don't get sick " he said and you nodded "Will do " you told him After he left you adjusted the covers over the door to block most of the sunlight and then kicked off your shoes before climbing over him to get on the other side of the bed. you scooted up to where you leaning against the wall. you leaned you head back and closed you eyes with a sigh.

Suddenly he stir beside you and rolled over reached for you. You slid down and let him wrap his arms around you and laying his head on your chest. He sigh and stop moving . you smile and let you hands run though his hair. you heard him mumble your name before he started snoring again. you yawn realize at that point how tried you were and let yourself drifted to sleep .

You woke to warm lips on your neck and playing with your ear as warm hand slip underneath your shirt.. half asleep you groan with want .You opened your eyes to find yourself staring up in a pair of pretty blue one that were filled with lust and desire..

" hey there sleepyhead finally decided to wake for me " he said as one hand went from your chest down to between your legs andd you gasp. he grinned and captured your mouth with his .you guess he was feeling better you though as you responded to the kiss .

He groan and made quick work of your shorts and your shirt followed by his before settling down in between you legs rocking his hips into you. Teasing you but not entering you . You moaned out his name as you arch your back .

he started a trail of hot kisses from your mouth down your neck and chest and stomach every once in a while he gentle nip suck at the right spot about sending you over but not quite. your started wiggle underneath him need the contact the feeling of him inside you.

He moved back up and kissed you again " are you ready baby ?" he asked and you groan " more than ready " you said and gasp as slam into you sending you right over the edge and grab onto him as he continued to rock into you until he found his own release and collapsed next to you on the bed.

" So I take it that your feeling better?" you asked him grinning "he lifted his head off the pillow and grin " yep and I wanted to thank you for taking care of me. " you laughed "Well I think you did that .. but we better go check on the others " you said standing up as he did to.

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