Early morning confessions -Daryl

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You were exhausted all you wanted to sleep for a week. It had been a rough couple days. Trying to get Alexandria back in order after the herd came though. A lot of good people died and now it was time to rebuild and move on.

You looked around the room where the people you consider a family all slept. After the attack no one wanted to be alone. Rick was with Carl waiting for him to wake up after he got shot in his eye. Luckily for everyone Denies step up and saved his life.

You were currently sharing a couch with Rosita who was curled up on the other end asleep. Glenn and Maggie were asleep on the other couch , Eugene had rolled out a sleeping bag and was sleeping in font of the fire place. Abraham was trying his best to sleep in one of the chairs in the corner.. And Daryl.. Your eyes landed on the hunter who was on his back near the playpen where Judith slept. You smiled a little looking at him watching his chest rise and fall slowly and steadily as he slept.

What you would give to go and curl up next to him and sleep. But your mind wouldn't let you rest. Plus you weren't sure how Daryl felt about you even though you had feelings for the man. You sigh and stood up careful not to wake up anyone.

You made your way to the front door and slip out you took a deep breath of the cool morning air.. The sun was beginning to rise .. There was still a lot of work ahead of you guys. But you knew everyone would be sleeping in late today ..

So the questions why were you not in there sleeping peacefully as well. You wish you knew.. You were busy staring out lost in your own thoughts that you didnt hear anyone come out on the porch with you until he was standing right next to you and spoke

"You should be sleeping ?" You turned your head and your heart leap in your throat as you met Daryl beautiful blue eyes . " so should you " you replied and he narrowed his eyes at you. You couldnt help but smile at that look. "What ?" you asked with a giggle "why are you out here ?" he asked

You sigh "Thinking my mind would stop long enough to let me sleep " you told him. He nodded " I get like that sometimes." he said you turned to him " how do you get thought it ?" you asked

" I think of the one thing that always calms me down and usually that helps me fall asleep " he said and you nodded . You knew that the one thing calms you down is him.. But you couldn't say that to him.

"I guess I can try it " you said.. " You should go back in and sleep " you said .. He met your gaze " if you come with me " he replied and you stared up at him in surprise. He step forward and before you could react his mouth was on yours .

The kiss was sweet and gentle but you could tell there was heat and want hidden behind it . "Come on" he said as he pulled away taking your hand and led you back inside where the others were sleeping .

He settled down on your end of the couch and pulled you into his lap. Where you were laying in his lap head on his shoulder ..He put his feet on the coffee table so he could stretch out his legs. His arms still around you holding you tight.

You sigh and closed your eyes letting your body fully relax it funny how he could do it so easly just by touching you .. You titled your head a little to look at him .His head was leaned back on the back of the couch eyes closed.

"What is that you think about that calms you down and helps you sleep ?" you asked him softly.. He opened his eyes and looked at you . " it you " he said and you grinned leaning up slightly to press a light kiss to his lips..

You sigh and laid your head back down on his shoulder and closed your eyes..it was a peaceful feeling you had now. You would have love to stay awake to enjoy this moment of being in his arms listening to his breathing slow as he quickly fell asleep underneath you . Soft snores coming from him every few minutes.

You drifted off to sleep with a smile on your face.

AN/ Short and sweet .. hope you guys enjoyed .. remember if you want to Request something just let me know!! or If you just want to chat I am always here.

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