Come back to me - Rick

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Rick goes missing on a simple run with Daryl and all you have is hope to hold on to as you wait to see if he will come back to you

"They should be back by now " you said as you paced back and forth in front of the window.

" I am sure they are fine " Carol said as she rocked a fussy Judith in her arms. You stop by the window again and stare out of wiling the gates to open and the car to drive in with everyone safe and sound.

Rick and Daryl know what they are doing Carol said you sigh " I know but this was just a simple run and they been gone pretty much the whole day I just have a bad feeling you said.

All you knew is you wouldn't feel better until Rick was back and you could feel him in your arms. "Here takes baby girl for a while she will make you feel better " Carol said handing you Judith.

The baby laid her head on your shoulder and snuggled into you. You automatically began to rock her and hum to her softly all the while still staring out the window hoping and praying.


Night was fallen and you had just walked outside when suddenly you heard the guards on watch shouting. You ran over to the gates as they open excepting to see the car on the other side. But instead you saw a bloody and worn out Daryl. Just Daryl. He took a few a step then collapsed.

You and a few other ran to him questions filling your mind where was Rick what happened?

But that would have to wait until Daryl woke up. So, with the help of another Daryl was carried inside where you and Carol and Maggie started getting him settled and cleaned up

You wanted to cry you wanted to scream in frustration not knowing what happen to Rick or where he was. Carl kept asking you but you had no answer to give him. " someone need to go out looking for Rick " you said

Carol and Maggie shared a look as they finished up bandaging up Daryl."What?" you asked them. Maggie stood up looking like she was trying to figure out what to say Hes missing not dead " you snapped.

" we want to believe that is true " Carol said " but we need to find out from Daryl what happen before we send anyone else out she added. You knew she was right but you were desperate Rick could be out there hurt. You refuse to think of the worse situation you would see him again you had to.


Daryl was out for the rest of that night you stay by his side and was dozing in the chair beside his bed when he finally came to with a groan causing you to jerk awake. "Daryl " you hurried over to the bed he tried to sit up but groaned in pain

I would stay still we had to stich your side up pretty good " you said he flopped back down. Mumbling a curse. " Daryl. :"what happen. Where is Rick?" you asked, this cause his eyes to fly open. You saw the emotions.

" we ran into a herd blocked the road then something in the road busted the tire and we had to fight our way out of car. But I lost track of Rick after that " he said not meeting your gaze. " I am sorry. :" he said softly

You grab his hand. " it ok it not your fault you had to do what you had to survive Rick is ok I know it today I am going to go out looking for him:"you said. Daryl looked at you concern written on his face

" becareful he said knowing that he couldnt stop you.


You and Glenn and Aaron all headed out mid-morning. You had promise and promise Carl you would find his father. You couldnt come back empty handed not only would it break your heart but it would kill Carl.

You guys found the car luckily the herd of walkers had moved on. " Let's searched around here in case he stayed by." you suggested " it he was inured he couldnt have gotten to far " Aaron replied as you guys split up to search.

Despite searching for two or three hours Rick was nowhere to be found. Tears came as you leaned up against the car. Neither Glenn or Aaron knew what to say. Glenn just slip an around you and pulled you into his arms.

He held you all the way back letting you cry into his shoulder. The car had just come to a stop when carl was suddenly running up to the car. He threw the car door open IT'S DAD!!! HE IS BACK he yelled causing you to freeze for a split second before you scrambled out of the car.

You ran towards to the house and hurried inside. You stop short there he was sitting on the couch having Maggie look him over looking exhausted but alive and well. " Oh, thank god " you said as you hurried over to him

He grinned as one arm slip around you pulling you into him he turned his head and your lip met his. " I thought I had lost you " you said. Tears just freely flowing now. He pulled back to look at you.

": I am sorry I didnt mean to make you worry but I will always try to find my way back to you no matter what happens " he said reaching up and wiping tears off your cheek. He leaned in and kissed you softly again making it even more real that he was here and he was alive and in the end, that is all that matters.

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