Regrets -Rick

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"Can you talk to me all you have been doing for the past two weeks is ignoring me " you yelled beyond frustrated at this point and well beyond your breaking point.

Rick just paced up and down the room in front of you . He didnt brother to look at you . "Of course you just ignore me that what you are good at doing " you said . That got him to stop and he glared at you ..

" I dont really need this crap right now " he snapped at you .. " with that storm that hit us couple weeks and all the damage it cause we lost a lot of our supplies and now I have to figure out how to make what we do have last until we can get a run together . "

"Your being Childish " he said " Not everything is about you " you stared at him not able to really form words.. His words hurt. You bit you lip to keep anymore words from spilling out ..

"Fine Rick Fine " You turned and walked out of the house .. You kept walking down the street until you were far enough away that you felt like you could finally breath .

You made your way over to the small pound that was in the middle of the Small community you ducked underneath some low lying branches of a couples tress growing nearby . It made a perfect place to come sit and think no one would no you were there .

You sat down on the ground and buried your face in your hands and cried. Yes you knew Rick was under a lot of stress with the food situation. But that didnt mean he could just ignore you .. Not when you had something so important to tell him ..

you laid you hand over your flat stomach and closed your eyes. " It will be ok everything will be ok " you said softy


" I couldnt tell him he wouldnt listen " you said as you wiped at your eyes . You were sitting at the counter in the kitchen at Maggie and Glenn 's house. It was her and Michonne sitting with you listening to you.

" just give him time to cool down "Michonne suggested "that the thing when he dose he hardly home and when he is .. We barely talk cause most of the time he so exhausted he asleep . " you said

" I understand he under a lot of stress and I want to be there for him " you said " but this happen when I try to make him sit down and listen to what I had to say he blew up at me:"

Maggie reached over and patted your hand." Give him time ..Glenn said that they are getting a run together for tomrrower so maybe if we can more supplies he wont feel so pressured. " she said

Michonne nodded " and in the mean time you just dont stress and take care yourself " she replied. You smiled and nodded " I hope so " you said.

you stayed and chatted with them for a little while longer before heading back home it was getting late and you figure you go and see if Rick was home yet.

When you walked inside you only saw Carl laying on the couch reading a comic. "is you dad in yet ?" you asked . He nodded not looking away from the comic " he upstairs taking a shower " I put Judith to bed " he said.

"Thanks did you eat anything I can fix you something ?" you offered " yeah I ate earlier but thanks " he said. You nodded and headed up stairs. When you slip into the bedroom he was already in bed his back to you but he had left the light on for you at least.

You shut the door and quickly changed . You slip into bed and turned off the lamp . You wanted to reached out and slip into his arms but you kept yourself on your side of the bed. You closed your eyes and try to get yourself to relax enough to sleep

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