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        You just happen to be pushing Judith in her stroller along the sidewalks of Alexandria when you saw it. There was Rick looking good as ever talking to Jessie .it been her mission since day one to get Rick in her bed.

Your hands tighten  on the stroller as you watched the other women leaned forward touching his arm saying something not cause him to laugh. Something that didn't happen a lot. Your heart cracked when you saw him leaned forward and say something and give her a wink. Frustrated you turn away and started walking away.

      "Didn't want to get caught watching"? Michonne came out of nowhere like she usually did. "Just got sick watching her throw herself at him " you replied "some guys like that " Michonne said

  You shook your head " not Rick he is better than that " you said. Michonne suddenly broke into a grin "you like him " she said.

You didn't bother to denied it knowing she wouldn't say anything. " doesn't matter all he see me as is someone who babysit his daughter." You said trying not to cry.

" I don't know about that " Michonne said with a little smile " I think you need to talk to him ." She said." Why what the point she prettier than me and has way more experience in the bed.." You said with a sigh.

"Hey don't start with that " Michonne said "I told you before your a very pretty girl" you need to tell Rick  how your feeling you maybe surprises" she said. You sigh." Maybe "

    You thought about what Michonne said and decided to at least try. You headed over next door after dinner when you knew Judith would be asleep. You  had just walked up the steps when the door open and out walked Rick 

Your heart jumped and then it took a nose dive when you saw Jessie . He looked surprises to see you but then grinned " Y/n " what brings you by ?   He started to asked but Jessie spoke up before you could "  thanks again for dinner next time you come to my place .." she said 

You watch in horror as she leaned forward and kisses him.  As a women you knew what she was doing  staking a claim. But it still hurt. And suddenly you felt foolish.  You turn and dash back to the other house. You heard Rick cursing and calling out for you.

But you ignore him and and ran back inside . Michonne walked in from the kitchen seeing your tears step forward but you waved her away.  " I am going to bed " I don't want to see or talk to Rick if he come by " you said and headed upstairs .

You walked into the room you had been using shut the door quickly changing and collapsed on the bed sobbing. Why did it feel like your heart was breaking .  There was a knock on your door . You didn't respond . You curled over onto your side facing away from the door and pretended to be asleep.

They knocked again. Suddenly the door open luckily the lights were out and all you could hear was someone walking across the floor. Why wouldn't Michonne just leave you alone you wonder. She sat on the bed and touch your arm .

But at that moment you knew it wasn't Michonne. What was he doing here ?  You kept your breathing nice even hoping he go away. Nope ! No such luck he reach over to brush your hair out your face you kept your face relax even thought your heart was hammering inside your chest. It about exploded when you felt his lips on your forehead.

He stood up walked out leaving the door open and you cracked open your eyes and sigh.. what was that about... Suddenly footsteps heading back your way  causes you to shut your eyes ..Why ...You were being a chicken.

The door closed and you heard someone move around finally settling down next to you on the bed .What !!!  You tried  not to groan he rolled over wrapping an arm around you. You waited and waited to see If he was going to leave but when you hear the soft snoring from behind you. You figure that was a no.

All you wanted to do was turn around and watch him sleep to lean in and kiss him to see what he would do.. You held back a groan and decided might as make yourself comfortable you shifted a little to a more natural position .

  He grunted and mumbled something before burying his face in the side of your neck still snoring . So now both arms were wrap around you and one of his legs were in between yours. You sigh and relax your body might as well enjoy this while you can you thought sleepy and you drifted off like that not waking once.


   You slowly open your eyes blinking a  couple times against the sunlight that was flooding the room. you groan and rub a hand over your face . a dream last night had to been a whole dream.  You rolled over to your other side and about had an heart attack. you even jump slightly causing him to chuckled from where he was still stretched out next to you  arms folded across  his chest. 

you sat up quickly " What are you doing here ?"  you asked "trying to talk with you " he replied.    you  sigh

" if it about yesterday and what I saw I wont say anything to anyone..  " you started  to get off the bed but he grab  you and pulled you until you were sitting on his lap. "What the...  you looked at him in shock as he tighten his hold on you excepting you to bolt.

" There is  nothing there to tell."  he said..  "ok but she seems to think there is  beside she is pretty .  " you said softly " I haven't really noticed " he said starting at you

" then where you staring at she done everything but sit in your lap  "  said and he grinned .. "Well it good thing then your already sitting in it " he said and you stared at him trying to figure him out. but he took you completely by surprise by reaching up and cupping your face and kissing you until you were both out of breath.

      He still didn't let you go he kept his gaze on yours." Now that I have your full attention will you listen to me " he said. All you could do was nod." Good " he said his gaze then drop to your lips again and he started tracing then with his fingers.

You wiggle a little in his lap. He closed his eyes " baby we need to talk and you keep doing that I can promise the only talking will my name from your lips." He said .You stop and he sigh.

" I know what that looked like yesterday but there is nothing there not on my side at least ." There never been your the only one I have really been interested in." He said. You couldn't believe what he was saying..

" but why I am not as pretty.. and I don't have much experience when it comes to the bedroom.." He stop you with a growl and crush his mouth against your again.
"Your beautiful don't say otherwise and I don't care about what you can or can't do in bed... that will be fun teaching you " he said grinning.

You giggled "and your serious?" You asked "never been more serious in my life "  He said. You smiled and wanting to know what would happen you shifted in his lap where you were straddling him you let your finger run though his hair as you very slowly started grinding your hips.

His eyes widened his arms tighten around you. You increase the pressure keeping eye contact noticing how his eyes seem to darken the more turn on he got .

"Are you sure" he ask in a hushed toned voice filled with barley control emotions his own hips were beginning to rock upward to meet yours the pressure creating a wonderful sensation in you stomach.

"Yes I have waited to long for you " you replied and he groan and suddenly flip you on your back settled himself in between your legs ." Only you "  He mummer as proceed to show you how much meant it.

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