It's not just you - Rick

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AN/ : So ever since I watch the season premier of The Walking Dead ..My emotions have been scatters . That was ... I can't even describe it so I am going to do what I do best when I am emotional and that is write.. and YES I will be keeping everyone alive ... it makes me happy to think of everyone is still alive least till Sunday when another episode comes on.. but until then. ...hope you enjoy this..

You were just organizing the medical supplies thinking quietly to yourself when denies ran into the room. "prep the bed and get the supplies ready " she said .. "What is going on ?" you asked your heart pumping hard as you followed out to the front of the house.

You froze in horror as you watch Daryl , Glenn and Aaron carry a bloody Rick up the front step. "What happen ?" you asked you allowed the men to carry Rick into house..

Daryl was the one who answered you as soon as he laid Rick down rick didnt move he must have passed out from the pain. You and denies started working on cleaning the wounds.

"we were out on a run and ran into a herd the new guy Kyle freak out and started shooting everywhere. Rick went to try to stop him and ended up shooting him.. " Daryl said

You felt your heart drop into your stomach looking down at the man that held your heart and didnt even realize it. " what happen to Kyle ?" you asked " Walkers got him" Daryl said . You just nodded

you concentrated on Rick the bullet had gone though his leg and luckily it looked like a clean though wound. " I think he going to be fine " you said "Once we get the bleeding to stop " you said .

After checking the rest of the group was fine they left leaving you and Denies to finish up with Rick. " are you ok?" Denies asked You looked up from where you washing your hands.

" yeah why ?" you asked knowing what she meant. She was the only one who knew of your feelings for Rick. " he going to be fine "She replied .. You nodded I know.

Suddenly the front door open and Carl with Judith in his arms came in followed by Jessi your heart again took a nose dive. Everyone knew Jessi and Rick had a thing going on .. No one knew how serious thought.

" Is dad going to be ok ?" Carl asked coming up beside the bed where Rick was still out . Yeah he going to be just fine " you said . You watch Jessi walk around the other side of the bed and sit down on the edge taking Rick's hand into her.

" When will he wake up ?" She asked looking up at you .. " not sure .. but he will be fine " you said she nodded and looked back down at Rick. you looked at Denies .. " I am going to step out and get some fresh air " you said . She nodded giving you a sad look that you choose to ignore.

You walked out onto the porch and took a deep breath .. It was no one fault but yours that Rick didnt know your feelings. You had so many chances to come out to him before Jessi was in the picture but you were afraid that if you said anything and he didnt feel the same it would ruin the friendship between you .

So now you just have to sit and stay quite with this thing with Jessi . You couldnt complain you just hurt on the inside.



You were sitting on your porch reading a book when someone called your name and you looked up your heart skipping couple beats . Rick was limping his way up the step of your porch .

"what are you doing out of bed ?" you said standing up to help him settled down in a chair ignoring the way your heart sputter at just being so close to him. "I wanted to thank you for the other day ?" he replied

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