Watching over you -Daryl

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You watched him from your spot by the campfire. You watched as messed around with his crossbow. Not helping but noticing how the way the muscles in arms moved as he worked .it led to certain thought and imagines that you rather not have around the whole group.

"You look lost in thought what's wrong ? Megan Daryl's younger sister sat down next to you . Unlike her older brother she was more sociable and loved to talk. You guy had become friends since day one . But still you couldn't tell your friend you were having fantasy about her brother. Nope that wouldn't work at all. "Nothing I guess I am just tried tonight that all. " You told her instead. And that was the truth you didn't sleep well and it wasn't the fact that the dead was walking around ready up eat you . But when you did sleep you had horrible nightmares. You sleep a couple hours and wake up from the dream unable to sleep anymore. "Well you should go on to bed I was going to ask if you wanted to go out with me and Daryl tomorrow to hunt." Megan said. "Really ?"You asked "yea it will be fun I can teach how to hunt " Daryl's always to serious" she said. You looked up and happen to catch his gaze over the fire but he quickly looked away .

"Is he alright with that ?" You asked Megan shrugged ""he will get over it " she said. "oh" you looked back over disappointed that he didn't want you to come a long .You watched as he stood up and stretch "Megs . let's go "he said slinging his crossbow over his shoulder before heading to his tent. Megan stood up " night y/n " she said and ran after her brother. You sight and watched him in till he disappeared into his tent.

You woke up from the dream sitting up trying to catch your breath. You looked around it was very light outside meaning you slept a little longer than normal. But still to early for anyone else to be up . You could go back to sleep so you crawled out of the tent .grabbing a sweater . Mornings on the farm were cool. You stood and stretch slowly waking up . You suppose you were luckily that your group had found this farm. The owner willing to let's you say as long as everyone help .It was very peaceful. A noise behind you had you jumping reaching for your knife. But relax slightly when you saw it was Daryl. He was standing there just staring at you with a odd look on his face ."what ?" You asked then you looked down and saw you were in your tank top and shorts .your face became red as you slip on the sweater ." I am sorry " didn't know anyone else was up " you explain. He seemed to snapped out of whatever was wrong with him . He shrugged " I am a early raiser anyways ..But I wanted to just say I am ok with you coming with me and Megan today " she really wants you to come so..."He look down "oh ok ..I just don't want to get in the way " you said "Morning y/n ! How are you feeling ?" Megan came bounding up before he could reply. "Better "you told her . "Well we will see you at breakfast "she said as she continued on the campsite where other people were beginning to stir. Daryl walked past you and as he did he said softly so you only hear ."You didn't have to put the sweater back on for me "and then He walked off not looking back .leaving you in shock and trying to wonder what that was suppose to mean.

After giving yourself a headache you gave up trying to figure it out. After breakfast you went up to Rick to let him know you were going out with Megan and Daryl. "You want a gun" he asked reaching around to give one of his extra. "No I have my knifes less noise" you explain . "Well be careful ."He said touching your arm . You nodded and turn around to noticed Daryl leaning against the tree watching you. You heart jump in your chest. "You ready " Megan came up carrying her crossbow. You nodded and followed her over to Daryl." You have your knifes ?"He asked you. "Yep" you patted your right leg where one was strap and the other on your hip. He nodded and turn towards the woods.

For a while it was quite even Megan . You just stayed behind and watch them hunt together. They were really good. For about 20 minutes they caught nothing but rabbits . Then Megan finally broke the silence turning to you " do you want to try to shooting ? " she asked " I won't be very good " you said stepping but to her she handed you her bow. You looked up feeling eyes on you and noticed Daryl standing a few feet away watching you intently ."it ok I was horrible at first ask Daryl he got so frustrated with me that I thought he was going to kill me " Megan said grinning at her brother . He leaned up against the tree. "cause you wouldn't listen to me. " He said. "And all you did was yell " Megan said sticking her young out at him .she turn to you and started to show you how to lift and hold the bow. While Daryl watch it made you nervous. "So take aim at that tree and pull the trigger." She said you did and it missed the tree.. You shrugged "told you I wouldn't be good " you handed the bow back to "Megan who went to get her arrow.

Daryl step forward "come here and try it my way " he said. Your heart did flips inside your chest but you found yourself walking over to him he stood behind you and help you lift his bow witch was much heavier than Megan's. He leaned forward placing his mouth right up against your ear. "Just hold it steady " he said softly. Was he serious you were barley able to keep yourself from reacting with him so close .He dragged his hands from yours down your arms and shoulders in till you were completely holding the crossbow. He leaned forward again whispering in your ear. Steady...and just let go.. " You did and the arrow hit the tree. "See my way is much Better" he said you turned your head to look at him. His gaze was hot and without thinking you licked your lips out of habit that drew his attention to your mouth for a split second before a scream broke the silence of the forest.

Both of you jumped "Megan "Daryl took off in the direction of the scream. You followed pulling out your knife. Megan was up a tree surround by a group of walkers .Daryl started shooting off arrow you started stabbing the closest walkers. They soon noticed you and Daryl and turned. You try to keep your back away from them and kept backing up . All the sudden the ground disappeared from underneath you and you went flying you heard someone screaming your name but. It all went black at that point.

You woke up to your head in someone 's lap the pounding in your head was just the tip of the ice burg .Your whole body was screaming in pain. Someone was playing with you hair.. You tried to open your eyes but that to even hurt. You groan when you tried to move. "shhh just relax your ok " the voice you knew that voice your eyes pop open and you found yourself staring up at Daryl .. Who was looking down at you . "ow " was the first thing you said making him grin "I would say so " he replied.. "What happen ?" you asked " you went over the side of steep hill trying to get away from the walkers. " you were lucky you didnt break anything " he replied . You tried to sit up but pain shot though your body " you groan "Are you sure.. " you asked collapsing back down head on his lap "yeah Hershel checked you out " you good "just need to rest for a day or so" he said "Megan is she ok ?" you asked " yeah she fine she been waiting for you to wake up" How long was I out " you asked trying to sit up again .. This time he wrap an around you and help you by supporting your body weight against his. "4 or 5 hours.. " he said " I was starting to get worried. " you looked over and realize how close he was than " you were huh. : " You shouldnt have " I am not much to worry about " you said " witch I say is bs " he said you met his gaze he held yours .. Suddenly his other hand came up to softly touch your lips and you felt all the air leave your lungs your lips part slightly.. Waiting..

But Then the moment was over when Megan Busted though the tent opening. " Hey your awake I was getting worried " she said " uh yeah I have a headache and my body hurts but other wise I am ok " you told her. "Well that good you about gave me a hearttack when I saw you go down that hill. " she said. You smile. " I am ok " you told her "Well it late and you should get some rest " Megan said " I am heading to bed " she climbed out of the tent . That when you noticed you were not in your tent .. "where am I ?" you asked " your in my tent I wanted to keep an eye on you incase you need something " he said as he shifted and started messing with something behind you . " lay down I got a couple extra pillows for you " he said as he helped you lay you backwards until you felt the pillows on the back of your head. " I dont want to make you uncomfortable.. I can sleep in my own tent. " you said .. " not even going to argue with you on this . " he said as he leaned over and turned down the lamp the tent went dark he settled down next to you .You closed your eyes and tried to relax but it was kind of hard when he was right there next to you so close that your arms were touching. You certainly try not to think about what could have happen if Megan hadnt come in when she did . You shifted a little to get into a more comfortable positon. Bringing yourself even closer to him. "Can't get comfortable ?" he asked softly. " yeah am sorry I am a bit of a restless sleeper ." you told him " it ok I can be too " he said and he scooted closer he slip an arm under you pulling you closer.. You took the hint and slowly rolled over snuggling into him your head resting your head on his chest. You sigh.. "Thank you " you said looking up at him " he grin .. " I am not complaining I get something out of this too " he said .you return his grin "and what is that ?" you asked to answer you question his mouth came down on yours .

Nothing would have prepared you for this if you were able to move more you would probably enjoyed it more. As it was the kiss ended way to soon. "That is what " he said " and I would have done it sooner if my sister hadn't interrupted " he said sounding frustrated. You giggled " she really good at that" you said . "oh yeah" he said . As he settled down still holding you close, You let you eyes drift shut feeling more relax than you did before . His arms around you and listening to his steady heartbeat and breathing you begin to drift off and for once you slept the whole night without a nightmare knowing he was watching over you

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