You and Me - Rick

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This was a requested one shot Rick x Reader - Where you are struggling to deal with the emotions of everything that was happening and Rick is the one who comforts you.

AN/ sorry it took so long to get this one out been a crazy last few weeks in my life. !! hope you enjoy this

You waited till everyone else was distracted talking making plans. Everyone was gather back at Rick's house trying to figure out what the next step would be. You slip out of the back door wanting to get away from the noise needing a minute to think.

It was dark and quite outside you settled down with your back up against a tree and stare up at the sky. Your emotions were so scattered and had been since that horrible day. You closed your eyes and you saw it again.

Opening your eyes up you took a deep breath tears filling your eyes thinking about Glenn, Abraham. Thinking about Maggie and her baby. Sasha, Rosita, Tara. Everyone had lost something that day. From that point on life had been a living hell. You wish that it would all stop.

You heard the backdoor open and close but you didnt brother to turn around to see who it was because you knew who it was. Rick settled down next to you on the ground. You were surprise he was out here that he had even noticed that you were gone.

" How did you know I was out here?" You asked I saw you slip out the back he replied you glanced over at him he was watching you. You couldnt quite read his expression because of the dark.

"What you doing out here?" He asked you looked away and back up at the sky. you could see the stars tonight thinking " you replied " anything you care to share?" he asked. " I guess trying to wrap my mind around everything that has been happening lately " you said.

He sighs " I know it a lot to take in " he said he turned to you But you know we are going to be ok he said. You made yourself look at him. You trusted Rick with your life and if he said it was going to be alright. You knew it was going to be ok. But that didnt mean you weren't still scared.

" I know but I also know that this fight is not going to be easy. We are going to lose people " you said and you saw the impact your words had on him. You couldnt help but reach out to comfort him taking his hand into yours.

He looked up at your expression softening " I dont want to lose you " he said his voice lowering but not breaking eye contact with you. Your heart sped up at his words. You couldnt lose him. You had come close to many already. You open your mouth to say this but he stops you by reaching up to stroke your cheek lightly.

The light touch had you leaning into him. He had somehow gotten a whole lot closer to you and the way he was cradling your face now his thump stroking lightly over your bottom lip had a soft wine to escape. If you weren't so losing in the moment you would have been more embarrassed

But didnt seem to mind a small smile appeared on his face as gaze seem to narrow down on your lip and in the next moment they were all you could feel. In every fantasy, you had every had about kissing Rick none of them compare to this moment.

You knew this moment would be one that you would hold on to when everything seems so dark you could look back at this and know that it hadnt been. He pulled back to look at you " I cant lose you you said softly and I could. " you shut your eyes against the tears.

" Hey again he touches your check and your eyes open meeting his. One day at a time we will survive "he said But " he suddenly shifted and stood up pulling you to your feet. " But for now, it just you and me " he said pulling you into his arms.

His mouth meeting yours again this time in a more heated kiss. " just you and me he repeated in between kisses. And for now, that all that mattered.

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