Find Comfort in me -part 1

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"Y/n would you please just stop and give me a chance to explain. " Josh said as he followed you out the door and onto the sidewalk of course he would want to embarrass you even more. " if I didn't make it clear enough to you before Josh leave me alone " you called over you shoulder as you started back towards your house. "please just stop and listen to me " Josh said reaching out and grabbing your shoulder spinning you around to face him. He was angry but you didn't know why he wasn't the one who walked in on him with another woman. " let me go " you try to jerk away from him he pulled you to him " just listen to me that was a mistake it meant nothing " he said . You placed both hands on his chest and pushed making him stumble backwards but before you could step away he was grabbing at you again . But before he could touch you another set of hands were pulling you away . You gasp and looked around finding both Daryl and Rick standing in front of you facing Josh .Who imeadialy back down. You held back a smile between those two josh didn't stand a chance. "What happen ?" Rick asked turning to you with a look of concern on his face. Unable to look at him you just shook your head and turned away. "go on home " he said softly " you nodded and headed towards your house. Once inside you locked the door and dropped down on the couch and let yourself go .

When you woke a couple hours later you felt horrible just like you did every time you fell asleep crying. You got up and went to the bathroom to wash up . As you did you took a minute to study your appearance.. Were you not pretty enough ?" is that why Josh felt like he had to cheat ?" you had never wonder about your looks before you usually had pretty good self confendice. But now you were beginning to have doubts. You left the bathroom and decided that you couldn't hid out forever . So you walked out onto your porch and was surprise to find Daryl sitting on the step messing with his crossbow. He looked up when you walked out " hey what brings you by ? " you asked " checking on you " he replied " had myself a pity party but I will be ok " you told him he stood up throwing the crossbow over his shoulder." shouldn't waste tears on him he not good enough for you " he said. You smiled "Thank you " you replied " I guess I go better hunt me down something to eat I am starving " you said as you started off your porch ." come with me to Rick 's house we most of the time eat over there and there is a lot of extra food " he offered . But you hesitated. Rick's group was a tight knit group that very obvious to you from the first moment they came to Alexandria . They had gone though a lot together before coming here and you knew that bonded people together . They were all nice but you didn't want to feel like an outsider ..But Daryl didn't give you chance to say anything he grab your hand and started leading you down the street towards Rick. It took you almost getting to the house before you could say anything " I don't know I mean I don't want to just show up uninvited.. " you said " invited you and so did Rick he told me to make sure you came to dinner "Daryl replied as you reached the house.

The man in questions came out of the house as you were walking up. " hey I was hoping you would come " he said giving you a warm smile. "She almost didn't " Daryl replied and you glared at him only causing him to chuckle. " I just didn't want to show up uninvited. " you said . " I would have been just fine with something back at my place. " you added. Rick step forward and took your hand and start pulling you forward "nonsense come on in and relax " he said as he led you inside . People were sitting around talking when you entered .From somewhere in the house you heard a baby laughing. The house felt alive and had love . Once again you were jealous of what ' these people had found in this new world . " you should know everyone right " Rick was saying and you nodded taking note that he hadn't let go of your hand once and for some reason that caused funny feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Maggie came up holding Rick's daughter Judith who was just all smiles and babbling away and when she saw her day she automatically reach for him. You couldn't help but smile as Rick reached for her and held her close talking to her softly . It was very apparent he a very good father. Maggie turn to you all smiles come in the kitchen that where all the real action ..let's leave the men to themselves " she said with a laughed and she pulled you along to the kitchen. Where Carol , Michonne , Sasha. And Rosita were all hanging out just laughing . It was nice to hear laughter again real laughter you thought to yourself and when everyone greeted you and pulled you into the conversation you couldn't help but join in the laughter.

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