Spying -Carl

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Requested by @KebabKangaroo - This is my first time writing about Carl so I hope you like it. also this is set around season 3 in the show Carl only like 14 or 15 so because in this story there is some smut I am going to make him 17 or 18 .

Summary : You are from Woodbury the Governor has given you a choice do him a favor or your family lives could be in danger. The favor is to go spy on this group at a prison. So you do . You do it for weeks until you are found by one of them. That should be a problem right .. maybe not

You watched from the safety of a tree as people moved along inside the fences of the prison. You hated this but you had no choice the governor had told you because you were the quickest and the smallest in your group that you were going to do him a favor.

A favor to keep your family safe from the walkers outside the walls of Woodbury and the monsters inside. He was paranoid about this group that lived in the prison and wanted to keep his eye on them. So, He asked if you would spy on the prison group and report to him what they were doing to him.

What choice did you have? Your mother was sick and needed to stay in Woodbury and you had your baby brother who was too young to be fighting walkers. So, you just had to do what you had to do.

You had been coming to that tree for weeks now just watching and you had pretty much come to recognize everyone and there routine. There was one person there that you couldnt help but pay extra close attention to.

Carl was the leader's Rick boy. He was tall and from what you could tell all attitude. You had seen him and father get into some pretty heated arguments especially about the governor.

You hadn't seen him today though and that was weird. Usually he was out with his father working on the crops that they were planting or taking care of pigs that who knows where they got then from. But he was nowhere to be seen.

After about an hour you decided to climb down from the tree and take a break it was getting hot. You hop down to the ground and just as you did you heard the familiar sound of a gun being load. Your heart stop for a second.

"Turn around slowly keep your hands where I can see them " it was male voice you did as you were told and found yourself face to face with Carl. He was pointing the gun right at you.

" what are you doing here?" he asked "Why are you spying on us?" I am not " you said " I am taking a break I climb the tree to keep away from the dead " you lied.

You could tell he didnt believe you. " that a bunch of BS I have seen you here for a week now sitting in this tree " he said stepping up gun still pointed at you step back. Your back hit the tree.

For some stupid reason, you couldnt help but noticed now that you were this close to him how good looking he was. He was tall but he was filling out in all the right places.

"So, are you going to kill me?" you asked trying to keep you voice from shaking " maybe Tell me what you are doing here" he replied.

" I told you " you replied He glared at you. " hands up in the hand put them on the tree above your head" he said. You glanced at the gun and then met his gaze. Finally doing what he asked

He steps even closer and started running his hand down your body stretching for weapons. You bet your lip this shouldnt be a turn on when the guy had a gun point at you.

Of course, he found your knife in the back of jeans he took it and threw it on the ground a few feet away. Then he just stood there staring at you still very close.

" Let me go and I won't come back I promise you said softly. "Please it not what you think" you said. For a second his face softens " the governor?" he said and you nodded " My family. I have no choice " you replied

he contiuned to stare at you thinking his eyes roaming your face you bit your lip hoping. You noticed how his eyes were drawn to your lips and they seem to darken. Your heart started to speed up

Before you realize what was happening his mouth was on yours. It was not a slow kiss or an unsure testing the water kind of kiss. This was I know what I want and I am taking it kind of kiss and it almost brought you to your knees.

He pressed you even more back into the tree the gun slipping from his hand but neither one of you cared as he used both free hands to roam your body. You groan as his mouth moved to you to your neck. Sucking hard and gentle nipping at your ear.

" tell me you want this " he said into your ear as one hand slip up underneath your shirt. He found your breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. " I won't force you. But I will tell you watching you for this past week as made me want you he said.

You desperately tried to form the words to respond but you were even having trouble breathing as one of his hand slip between your legs rubbing you though your jeans.

" yes or no " he asked again softly biting your ear. " yes " you managed to get out as you rolled your hips into his hand to get the friction you needed. There was heat building in the pit of your stomach white and hot.

He groaned and suddenly he was tugging at your clothes in hurried movements kissing you in between. You were trying to help him out of his clothes as well. By the time, you were both undress he suddenly grab you by the legs lifting you up and pressing you up against the tree before he slowly enters you.

You moan out loud and he cut you off by capturing your mouth with his as he started rocking into you. It was rough but it was so good the heat in your stomach started to spread and you could feel yourself start to tremble as you grip tightly onto his shoulders.

Suddenly everything went white and you fell over the edge he stiffens and feel along with you. Both of you finding your release at the same time. For a minute, no one move both of you trying to catch your breath and come back down to earth.

Finally, he steps back and help you stand on your feet. No one said anything as you got dressed. You were not sure what was going to happen now. But when you turned around he was handing you your knife a little smile his face.

you took "Thanks" you said he nodded and then he was pulling you into his arms kissing you again. " come back with me" he said you sigh " I can't my family. The governor " you said " I want to " you replied

He nodded " well trust me the governor going to get what he got coming to him you and your family will be safe soon I promise " he said. You smiled wanting to believe him.

" Hey at least we will always have this tree" you said with a grin. He just chuckled and pulled you into another kiss.

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