I don't hate you -Daryl

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You knew for a fact the man hated you .whenever you were in the same room as him all he would is receive glares from him. If he was forced to speak with you it was harsh and rude . Then he acct like he couldn't get way fast enough.

You acted like you didnt care but you did boy did you ever. Daryl could be the most kindest gentlest man on the planet . He showed that whenever he held Rick's daughter Judith and you would have to say that why you went and fell in love with the man.

How Stupid was that to fall in love with a man who could barely tolerated you and you had no idea what you did to him to cause him to feel like that. But he did and so you just did your best to avoid him .


You and Maggie were walking outside the gates checking the traps you had your guns in your hands at the ready.

" is everything ok with you ?" Maggie asked out of the blue You glanced over at her " Nothing is wrong " you said as you continued to walked forward

"Really ?" she said " yes " you replied "Are you sure it doesnt have anything to do with Daryl ?" she said with a giggle.

This cause you to stumble a little " What do you mean .. What about Daryl?" you said .

"You tell me " Maggie said you shook your head " there is nothing to tell he doesnt like me and that the end of the story . " you said as you reached down and checked another trap.

"I dont think that is the case " Maggie said "He can be rough around the edges but a good man" she said ..

You turned around to look at her " I know that but he can barely look at me or talk to me " you replied

Maggie open her mouth to say something when a noise from the woods cause you both to turn guns raised.

Suddenly a gun shot rang out and then you were falling backwards pain in your stomach was like fire ripping though your whole body .

You heard Maggie screaming as more gun shot rang out .You put your hand on your stomach and then look at it. Blood a lot of it.

Suddenly Maggie appeared she was crying and putting pressure on your stomach to stop the bleeding .

"Hold on help is on it way " she said .. You blinked trying to keep your eyes open you were getting sleepier and sleepier. "Dont go to sleep " stay away " Maggie said sounding panic

You forced your eyes open that when you saw more people were surround in a circle guns raised.. Rick ,Carl , Daryl , Aaron Abraham . Daryl looked down at you and you though for a moment you saw panic in his eyes.

He looked at Rick nodded and lowered his weapon and dropped to the ground beside you . "I will take her inside " he told Maggie. He carefully lifted you into his arms

You couldnt help the cry that left you when he did .. He held you close but gentle. "it ok I have you " you going to be ok " he said talking to you softly..

you looked at him trying hard to stay awake but everything was getting darker .. " Do you even care ?" you asked not sure why you even asked this ..

He looked down at you but the darkness finally took over at point and you eyes slid shut but just before everything went dark you though you heard him say

" I do more than you think "


Pain was all you could feel. You couldnt move or open your eyes.. You just wanted it to end. But it didnt the pain just kept coming and coming .

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