Find comfort in me -part 3

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After dinner everyone sat around talking and relaxing like always but instead of sitting down with the rest of them Daryl pulled you out onto the back porch . "thought maybe you would want a minute or so of quite "he explained as he leaned against the railing. "Thanks " you said for a minute no one spoke .but you finally did "Rick tell you what happen " you asked looking over at him . He nodded " I told him I could always go over and show him how well my crossbow works "he said and you laughed. "jenny threaten to throw him to a bunch of walkers. " you said . He chuckled "that not a bad idea either." he replied. You just shook your head. " but you know he is wrong right " he said turning to you bringing him even closer to you and you looked up at him " that what everyone been telling me . " you replied. "Cause it true and you shouldnt let what he say effect you " he said "it hard because I though we were happy and now I found out that he had to turn to another woman to be satisfy I keep thinking there is something wrong with me " you told him " there is nothing wrong with you " he said you looked up at the tone in his voice and you saw he was even closer to you . He wrap one arm around your waist taking the other hand to run his fingers across your lips" nothing wrong with you all ..your perfect " he said softly as your heart about exploded in your chest.. But Rick's imagine flash though your mind from earlier. "wait Rick and me.. " he stop your sentence with the kiss it was totally different from Rick but just as sweet. And you were lucky he was holding to you or you would have melted to the floor. Finally he pulled away but didnt let you go " I know he told me and I told him I wanted to kiss you too " he said chuckling at your expression " dont worry he was ok with it in fact we are both good with sharing " he said and with that your mouth dropped open and he laughed . "Come on lets go back inside. " he said taking your hand and leading you back inside.

Over the next week things slowly progress between the three of you. You would think it would be weird but it wasnt . Everything felt so natural and completely with them. The rest of the group didnt seem to mind either. They all seem happy for you. Josh even backed off so things were settling down and you were thankful. Until one evening. There was group out on a supply run including Daryl and Rick and they had been gone for about a day and were suppose to be back anytime . The plan was after they got back they were going to come over to your place for the night. It was a big step nothing physical had happen yet but every day that went by and you were needing them more and more and you knew they felt the same. So while you waited you took a bath and changed into some comfortable stretch pants and a tank top. That was about as sexy you could get these days. You stretched out on the bed with a book to wait ..but soon you found yourself drifting. You didnt know how long you were asleep for but you were woken up suddenly you were rolled onto your back and huge weight was on top of you .Your eyes flew opened and saw Josh over you .he clamped a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming. " you need to calm down. I let you have your fun and now we are going to get back to normal " he said as he used his other hand to start to tugged up your shirt. You struggled to get out of his grasp you bit his hand causing him to let you go and you screamed as loud as you could.. Suddenly his hands were around your throat cutting off your air. You desperately try to pull his hands away but it wasnt working and soon everything begin to get blurry and dark . Just as you were about to pass out . He was off of you and you started coughing to get the air back in your lungs your head still lightheaded and you still felt like you were going to pass out. Suddenly you hear Rick's voice. y/n sweetheart we are here you ok just hang on ok " he was saying you tried to say something to him but you couldnt make your body work and soon you fell into the darkness surrounding you.

When you finally came around the first thing you noticed was how warm and comfortable you were. You tried to move but you realize that you were laying between two bodies and they were keeping you in place. You Realize it was Rick and Daryl and they were each holding on of your hands.. You groan when you tried to move your head pounding and they both shifted " hey how you feeling" Daryl asked brushing some hair out of your face " my head hurts a little ..what happened to josh " you asked "Dont worry we got him locked up until decided what to do with him "Rick replied taking the hand you were holding and kissing it lightly. " he wont get to you again "Daryl said "We made it clear to him that he wont " you smiled despite your pain "sorry this wasnt how I wanted the night to end" you said ." yeah we know but it ok we have plenty of time " you just get some rest and the other stuff can wait " Daryl replied as he leaned over and kissed you softly. When he pulled back right away rick came in for one as well. You settled down against between them and closed your eyes and waited as they settled beside you " how did things go on the run?" you asked sleepily . "for once it was good and quite " Rick said with a yawn. You all fell silent after that and you laid there listening as they fell asleep beside you . Soft little snores coming from each of them. And you could help but smile and let yourself fall asleep taking in the comfort each of them provided.

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