TLC - Daryl

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You rolled over reaching for the warm body that should be sleeping right beside you. But you found the spot beside you empty. You open your eyes and looked around. Daryl was not in the room.

You sat up running a hand though your hair . You were kind of surprise he was up after the last couple days of night watches plus going out on a couple runs. You though he take the chance to sleep in.

You climbed out of bed and slip on a pair of bed short and a sweater. The weather was starting to get colder . As you were walking downstairs you heard someone coughing.

You followed the sound until you got to the living room. Where you found Daryl sitting on the couch blanket wrap around his shoulders coughing..

you sat down next to him . "What are you doing down here instead of the warm bed " you said

When he spoke his voice was raw and rougher than normal. " I didnt want to wake you up" he replied.

"Well you need to get back to bed I think your running a fever " you said as you reached up and touch his forehead.

"I cant I am suppose to go help Rick today " he said as he tried to stand up imeadialy sat back down in a coughing fit.

" I dont think so you need to get back in bed and rest " you told him. You stood up and grab his hand and pulled him to his feet.

You knew he was feeling real bad when he didnt protest. As you led him back upstairs and help into the bed covering him up.

You leaned down and place a small kiss on his lip .." sleep when you wake up I will fix you something to eat " you said

He gave you a soft smile before his eyes flutter close. You stood there for a minute just watching him to make sure he would be ok ..

When he started snoring softly you smiled and hurried and got dressed and headed downstairs.

You grab your coat and headed out of the house heading towards Rick's to let him know about Daryl .

Rick was outside talking with Glenn when you walked up " hey I just wanted to let you know that Daryl woke up sick this morning " you said

Rick frown " is he ok ?" yeah just bad cough and tried .. I am going to go by denies and see if we have anything to help ." you said.

"tell him to rest and get better dont worry about us we have this covered" Rick said. You nodded "Thanks" you said

After getting some medicine from Denise you walked back to the house . You pulled off your coat and shoes and headed upstairs to check on him.

you peaked into the room and he was still sleeping rolled over on his stomach. You figure you let him sleep a while before you try to get him to eat something.

You kept yourself busy for a couple hours until you heard coughing from upstairs. You grab the medicine and something to drink and went up

You found him sitting up " here I got you some medicine from Denies she said you need to rest and drink plenty of fluids. " you said handing him the pills and bottle

You crawled onto the bed to sit next to him. As he took the pills and a swing of his drink.

" I haven't felt this bad in a long time" he said " well maybe you just over did with everything you do for everyone. You have to rest to " you said reaching over and taking his free hand into yours and lifting it up and kissing lightly..

He smiled softly.. " your going to sick next if your not careful" he said.. " I am ok I rather take care of you " you said.

"Are you hungry you should probably eat something we have some soup " you said ..

"I guess I will try I am not really hungry right now " he said ..

"Well try for me " you said and he nodded. You climbed off the bed and went downstairs and warm some of the soup that had been left over from a couple nights ago.

Then you made your way back upstairs .He was leaned back against his pillows partially sitting up . His head was leaned back eyes closed

But they open slowly when you came in though the door. " just try a little bit and then you can go back to sleep " you promise.

He sat up a little more and you put the tray with the bowl of soup over his lap. You sat with him as he at slowly.. After only about a handful of spoonful he push it away,

" That fine you can go back to sleep " you put the tray on the table beside the bed.. But before you could stand up .

He was grapping your arm and pulling you until you were in his arms. He was rolled on his side. "Well hi " you said with a grin as you were face to face with him.

he grinned and lean forward kissing you. He pulled back before it got to deep. " I just want to hold you " he said sleepily as his arms tighten around you.

"I Have no problem with that " you said as you snuggled into him. You felt his body relax into yours after only about 2 minutes and then shortly after that he was snoring again.

You knew you would end up spending most of the day in bed but it was all in the name of a little TLC so there was no harm in that.

The Walking Dead- One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora