Restless -Daryl

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Restless -Daryl

You laid Judith down in her playpen you held your breath as she stirred a little before settling down in sleep. You releases your breathe and grab the baby monitor and headed downstairs .the front door open as you were walking down. Rick Daryl and Glenn walked in " hey Judith been fed and is asleep" you told Rick as you handed him the baby monitor." Thanks I really appreciate it " he said. You grinned "like it such short hardship to watch such a cute and easy baby "you told him as you bent down to pick up your bag. You felt eyes on you and you glanced up and saw Daryl staring at you intently. You felt your heart start to race and you looked quickly away so he didn't see your cheeks heat up. What the man could do to you with just a look you could only imagine touching... You quickly push that thought away . " see you in the morning " you called out. " You heard a couple good nights " behind you as you shut the door.

Looking up at the night sky it was filled with stars you didn't want to go back to your empty house. So you headed towards the small pond that sat in the middle of the community. You walked over to a grassy area that was off to the side. You pulled a blanket out of your bag and spread it out. " camping outside tonight " you jumped at the sound of his voice you turned and looked Daryl was standing there watching you. " just taking advantage of such a pretty night ."You replied as you sat down. "Want to sit down.?" You asked him. After a second he settled down next to you. leaning back against his arms to stare up at the sky. "Where you following me ?" You said grinning. " no I just noticed you weren't heading toward your house and I was curious" he said. " I see " you said as you laid back on your back using your bag as a pillow . It was quite for awhile and it was nice having some with you but not have to always be talking. " Do you have any family here " he asked suddenly and you looked over and he was looking at you. " no my family died pretty early on Deanna found me three months later almost dead. " You said. " I am sorry " he said. You nodded and looked back up at the sky." What about you ? " You asked " had a brother but he is gone too " he replied softly. " I am sorry " you said. After another minute you rolled on your side so you could look at him. " truth is I am out here tonight cause I hate going back to the empty house. If I am going to be alone I rather it be out here " you said. He nodded " I know what you mean I still don't feel comfortable inside these walls "he said " but you're here " you said as you met his gaze.. " yeah I am " he said

Sunlight hit your face waking you with a little jolt. You were still outside by the pond. You groan and tried to roll over but you were met with something solid and that when you realize there was an arm laying over you . You shifted a little and saw Daryl next to you sleeping he was snoring quietly in your ear. Well this was interesting you thought. It was nice and wanting to enjoy it as long as it lasted you started to settled back down when it hit you .You were suppose to go sit with Judith today " you sat up suddenly jerking him awake .. "Where the fire ?" he groaned. " I promised Ricki would look after Judith today and we fell asleep out here so I have no idea what time it is " you said you stood up and he rolled to his feet. " I still have to go an shower and change :" I will cover for you go on" he said and you grinned "thanks " you said after gathering your blanket you hurried off to your house to shower and change.

You got back over to Rick 's and knocked on the door "Michonne Answer the door. " Am I late ?" you asked " no everyone slept in today .. " she replied letting you in. You put down you bag and went over and pick up Judith off the floor. "has she eaten yet?" you asked "no she just woke up I brought her down here so she didn't wake Rick up " Michonne said. You walked into the kitchen " so you and Rick ?" you asked grinning and you swore the other woman blushed and you busted out laughing. Just then the man in question walked into the room looking fresh from a shower " What is so funny?" he asked as leaned down and kissed Judith on the top of the head " nothing just telling Michonne a funny story from the other day " you said " by the way I will be back late tonight me and Daryl are you said " by the way I will be back late me and Daryl are going on a short run today " he said and you nodded "That fine me and little one here can have a party while your gone. .he grinned and leaned down and tickled Judith .."Just no boys young lady " he said and you laughed.

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