Night time confessions -Daryl

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Summary : Best Friends with Daryl and hopeless in love with him is where you found yourself when you and the other moved into Alexandria . Because of the lack of rooms you ended up sharing a bed with him... what could go wrong ?

You didnt know how to describe you relationship with Daryl , he was your best friend and you would literally die for him. But you also were helpless and hopeless in love with him.

Of course you had gotten very good at hiding your feelings for him because he would never see you the same . So you rather have him as a friend than nothing at all.

So as you can imagine that living in this new world there wasn't a lot of personal space. Not even in this new community to save space people were paired up to share the house that were available.

So you and Daryl were pared up and because he was Rick's right hand .. You were in the same house with Rick and his kids and Michonne.

" how are we are going work this ..not everyone going to get a bedroom?" you said . "Rick you can get one since you are heading this operation . Carl can take one " you said

"Judith can take turn sleeping with me or dad for now "Carl said "Michonne can sleep with me .." Rick said sliding a glance over at Michonne his face red and Michonne grinning.

You grinned but didnt say anything instead you turned to Daryl.. " You take the bedroom and I can bunch on the couch. " you suggested and he frown. "hell no you take bedroom I am more use to sleeping on couches than a bed anyways." he said

You gave him a look and put your hands on your hips.. All that got you was an amused look from Daryl.. " why dont you two just share it not like you haven't before " Michonne suggested

You turned and look at your friend she had that look in her eye that said she was up to something. "I dont long you don't hog the covers " Daryl's comment had you turning back to him with a grin.

" Dont worry about me hogging the covers I am just going to figure how I am

going to sleep with your snoring. " you said sticking your toung at him before you walked out of the room


You walked into the bedroom later that night and look at the bed and wonder how were you going to do was hard enough to keep your feeling under wraps during the day ..

you walked over to the bed.. Luckily enough it was a big enough bed that you didnt think space would be a problem. You sigh and started pulling back the covers on the bed when Daryl walked in.

You glanced up real quick noting that he had change into a pair of lounge pants and he wasn't wearing a shit. You looked quickly down at the bed.

" haven't slept in a bed even before the world turned crazy .." he said as he climbed into bed. You looked up meeting his gaze.. " why do you think I offer you the room first" you said as you slid underneath the covers.

He turn off the light. You rolled on your stomach and turned your face towards him. " do you think your be able to sleep ?" you asked softly.. He was laying on his back staring up at the celling ..

he turned his head to look at you .. " should be able too ' now that we dont have to worry about walkers at our door. " he said you nodded and sigh..

you fell silent just taking in the silence and letting your body finally relax.. Life loved throwing you curve balls right into your gut. Having you laying here inches from the man you loved and you couldnt even touch him the way you wanted

The Walking Dead- One Shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt