Excuses - Rick

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You found new ones everyday that would allow you to see him . It would be either to return a book or offer to baby sit his daughter.. Or cook dinner .. Something that allowed you spend more time with Rick and still keep your feeling for the man to yourself.

Maybe it was a little silly on your part but you were so painfully shy that you could hardly talk to the man without stumbling over your words. At least this way if you were babysitting or just helping out around the house you could still see him and not have to necessarily talk to him.

You glanced out the window as another flash of lighting hit and then thunder rolled.. You sigh and turned away from the window and you picked Judith up from her spot on the floor in the middle of a group of toys.

She snuggled into you " I got you baby " you said as you started to rock her back and forth. " I will tell you a secret too I dont like storms either. " you said softly as you rub her back.. Another clasp of thunder hit and you felt her tiny body shake. You prayed that this storm would blow over quickly.

Suddenly the front door open up and a rain drench Rick stumbled though the door mumbling a curse. "Damn I though I could make it back inside before sky open up " he said You couldnt help the little smile.

" let me get you a towel so you dont track water though the house. " you said as you made your way quickly into the bathroom grabbing a couple towels. You kept telling yourself to not make a fool out of yourself

You rushed back out to Rick he had peeled his wet jacket off .. And you had to keep your eyes away from .. Him.. From the way his wet shirt clung to his chest , Stomach.. "DaDa " luckily Judith in your arms help. She was reaching out for Rick.

" I am sorry sweetheart Daddy's all wet " he said as he took the towel from you he leaned in and kissed her cheek softly.. You held your breath as he slowly pulled away you met his gaze. " how has she been for you ?"he asked

You almost forgot how to speak for a moment but shook yourself out it and pulled away . " good the storms got her a little spoke but other wise ok " you said. He nodded .. " I guess I should go change.." he said

"Yeah you dont need to catch a cold " you said " Are you hungry ?" it about time for her to ear lunch .. I .. Can fix you something too " you said.. Suddenly feeling nervous again." I mean if you want .. " you said

He chuckled "Sure I like that " he said you nodded needing to get away you hurried into the kitchen. "Gosh why do you have to sound so stupid all the time. " you though as you put Judith in her highchair and started on making the food.

You could only imgaine what he was thinking about you and none of it flattering ..but he was to much of a good guy to say anything so he just puts up with it. You blinked back the tears and focus your attention on the food and not the man upstairs probably in the shower

" I am in so much trouble baby " you said softly to Judith as you put her food in front of her. The storm was still raging on outside a few minutes later. Rick step into the room fresh from a shower.

You tried not to stare so while you fix him a plate you slid a glance over once or twice.. He had changed into a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt. You decided the man could wear anything and he still be attractive..

You watch as he leaned in and played a little with Judith a small smile on his face. He looked really relaxed liked this ..it warmed your heart to see it.

" Here you go " you said as you turned around to hand him a plate. "thanks " he said .."Want to join me ?" he asked indicating to the plate.. Words failed you once again as you got lost in his eyes.. A loud clap of thunder rolling though the house made you jump

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