I am not going anywhere -Daryl

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Prompt I cant I cant lose you.

Summary : A simple run for supplies turn into a life and death situation ..

The guy was crazy you could tell by the look in his eyes . This new world had drove him crazy or maybe he had always been crazy . But at this point you didnt care all that matter at this point he was crazy and was waving a gun at the people you consider family..

This simple run for supplies had turned into a nightmare.. You , Rick and Daryl and Glenn and Maggie were now at the mercy of this mad man.

You guys had been going though abandon store a few miles from the prison and this guy pops up shouting all sorts of nonsense and waiving a gun.

Everyone froze the guy just kept pointing his gun at each of you.. Talking to himself.. You met Daryl's eyes from across the room. He still had his cross bow at the ready.. You knew he was waiting on word from rick .

Rick tried to talk to sense in the guy .. But this man was to far gone everyone could tell. Rick sigh and nodded to Daryl who raised his crossbow but as soon he did the guy jerk and at the same time Daryl let an arrow go .. The gun went off.

You watched in horror as two bodies fell . The mad man with a arrow to the chest and Daryl with a bullet in the chest.. Everyone jumped into action while you stay frozen ..

"Y/N come here we need to put pressure on the wound " Rick was yelling at you .it broke you out shock and you dropped to your needs and placed your hand over the bleeding wound .

You looked down at Daryl who was staring up at you in shock .. It was like he wasnt seeing anything.. That scared you . " come on your going to be fine " you told him.. "Please you can't leave me " you pleaded begging him.

"come we are going to move him now "Glenn said and him and Rick and Maggie all lifted Daryl up while you try to keep pressure on the wound.

Somehow you all made it back to the car and you slid into the back seat Daryl basically laying on top of you .. You kept talking to him..

"it going to be ok.. Your going to be fine. .. You have to be .. How am I going to survive without you.. "You said tears falling down your face.

Daryl eyes fluttery open for a second to stare at you.. But then they fell shut.. Panic flared up .. You felt for a pulse.. And found one it was weak but there.

"please don't give up ..I can't .. I can't lose you .." you sobbed praying to whoever was listening to give him one more chance..

The car came to a stop and you looked up and saw you were in the prison. "Maggie go get your dad " me and Glenn will take him to the medical area " Rick was yelling out orders.

You climbed out of the car and watched as Glenn and Rick got help from a couple other men to carry the now unconscious Daryl into the prison.

Carol came walking up looking worried " y/n sweetie we need to get you cleaned up are you ok?" she said .. You nodded ..then you shook your head fresh tears falling.

Carol put her arms around you " lets get you cleaned up and then we can go check on Daryl ok " she said as she led you into the prison


Three days it had been three days since Daryl was shot and he still hadn't work up . Hershel had managed to stop the bleeding and remove the bullet but he was afraid that Daryl had lost to much blood.

"all we can do it wait " he told everyone . You hardly had left Daryl beside that three days . You slept in the chair next to the bed and you ate your meals there. Everyone had stop trying to get you leave .

When you were alone you would talk to him .. Hold his hand and just talk about anything you could think of . You tried to pretend that he was just asleep ..and not

You sat on the floor and still holding Daryl's hand that was laying across his chest you laid your head on the bed and closed your eyes.. Waiting for anything..

Suddenly you felt the movement underneath your hand.. You jerked your head up.. But Daryl's eyes were still closed.. His breath was still slow.. You though maybe you imagined it.

But them your felt his fingers move under yours. You heart racing. You lifted your hand and saw his fingers wiggle.. Then you heard the groan.

"Daryl ?" you watched his face carefully.. You saw the moment he open his eyes .. They were at first unfocused but after a couple blinks he was starting at you though half open eyes..

You couldnt help the tears.. " Daryl .. Your ok .. Your going to be ok " you told him.. Reaching out to touch his cheek softly..

His hand came up slowly and grab yours in a surprising strong grip "I am" his voice was soft and weak.. But he tried again sounding a little bit stronger " I am ..not going anywhere " he said squeezing your hand.

This made tears fall faster but you nodded.. His eyes started to shut ..but you could tell he was struggling to stay awake..

You leaned over and kissed his forehead " I am not going anywhere either sleep " you said ..You heard him sigh .. And you looked down where he was resting peacefully..

You sat back and just watched him for a moment ..Thanking god for this miracle ..Something you didnt seen much these days. But you would take whatever you got as long as this man was still in you life.

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