Find Comfort in me - part 2

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Dinner was fun you didnt think you ever laughed so hard . Everyone there made you feel like part of the group and no one asked about what happen earlier witch you were thankful for. But you did noticed a few things thought the night that made you think. At dinner you were sat between both Daryl and Rick . Then afterwards when everyone was sitting around talking and relaxing again you were settled in between them . It didnt brother you in fact you really like it. But doubts clouded your mind they were probably just being nice trying to make you feel better because of Josh. So you ignore the funny feelings in your stomach and the way your pulse quicken when they both walked you back to your house later that night . You couldnt help but noticed they both walked closer than normal. Their hands brushing up against yours. Imagination that was all you told yourself after they told you goodnight and promise to see you tomrrower. "their just being nice to me that all dont get any stupid ideas in your head " you told yourself while you got ready for bed. You slip into bed and finally fell into a restless sleep . Dreaming of what it would be like if it was for real.

The next day you were working in the garden that had been planted inside the community t help grow more food. It was actually going really well after a rough start. It was you and Jenny a friend of your that were in charge of it . While you guys worked you told her about Josh.. "We can always throw him to a bunch of walkers if you want ?" Jenny joked and you giggled " I dont think it needs to come to that but still he is a jerk" you said. And you stop what you where doing and just sat there and sigh " what ?' Jenny asked sitting down beside you " What did I do wrong I though we were happy?" am I not pretty enough ?" you asked. " oh dont even start girl " Jenny said "There is nothing wrong with you " she replied "it all him " she said. " She is right you know " you both looked up at the sound of another voice .Standing over you was Daryl you stood up brushing the dirt off your legs and hands." I dont maybe if I try harder or was .." he interrupted you before you could finish your sentence. " no he clearly didnt see what he had your beautiful and there is no reason to change for him." he said softly and you could feel you face heat up. You managed to look up at him and found him staring at you with a unreadable expression. " uh. I figure working in this heat you would need this " he finally spoke and handed you a bottle of water. "Thank you " you said you heart speeding up again and your stomach doing flip . "Well I will see you later " he nodded and left. When he was gone Jenny giggled "oh my gosh I think he likes you " she said you turned around and looked at her. " I dont think so he knows what happen and he just being nice. " you replied. " not from where I am standing "Jenny said you rolled your eyes "let get back to work " you said trying not to get your hopes up .

A couple days later you were checking the garden one more time before dinner you were invited to go back to Rick's again .In fact that was where you been eating every night now. You liked it. So you were just finishing up and was turning around to head towards Rick's place when you nearly ran into Josh who had somehow sneaked up on you without you realizing it. "What are you doing Josh ?" you asked folding your arms across your chest " I want to talk I figure a couple days and you would have enough time to cool down" he said " I am still upset josh but just because I am not mad doesnt mean I will be coming back " you told him. " but sweetie I told you it was a mistake " he said reaching for you " you step back "Forget Josh go back to her she was clearly who you wanted so just go back to her " you replied trying to step around him to leave. "But he grab your arm and leaned in real close. " you want to know the truth then.. Mm.. Why I turned to her.. Because she knew how to keep me happy ..she knew what I liked and always willing and hell you saw her she gorgeous who wouldnt want her." he said you desperately try to swallow back the tears that were threating to come. You jerked away from him " Truth hurts dont it .."he said . You finally push past him and ran off.

You meant to go home but you found yourself in front of Rick's house instead. You stood outside for a minute trying to get yourself under control. The pain made you just want to crawl into bed and never come out. But you didnt want to be alone at the same time and as funny as it sounded and even though they maybe just being nice Rick and Daryl made you feel safe.. They both did. But together it was even better. You wiped at you eyes and knocked on the door. Maggie was the one who answer smiling but as soon as she saw you she looked concern "What wrong " she asked truly concern had you almost in tears again. You shook your head to keep from speaking because if you did you would cry.. She pulled you inside and up the stairs you heard say something but didnt understand it to busy trying to calm down. She pulled you into a bedroom and closed the door. She sat you down on the bed . About 30 seconds later the rest of the girls came in. "What happen " you can tell us " Maggie said. That when you lost it and while you cried you told them the whole and then what josh had just said. Maggie put a arm around you " you know he wrong dont you " she said " you a beautiful sweet woman and any guy would be lucky to have you "she said ." yeah we all know a couple that would fight over to have that chance to " Sasha said with a grin and everyone nodded. You shook your head ."They are just being nice because of they saw what happen "you said. You looked down at your hands. " I am not worth it " you said. "Hey dont start that "Carol bent down in front of you " look years before this new world started I lived with a husband that would beat me and my daughter.. I though I deserved it " she said " but I didnt and you dont deserver to let him make you think less of yourself. " she said. You nodded.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and it crack open Rick poke his head in. His gaze went straight to you. "Everything ok in here ?" he asked Maggie patted your leg and stood up " yeah just had a little girl time that all " she said "well dinner about ready " Rick said and everyone started moving out of the room. You stood up to leave as well when you were the last one. But Rick stop you. "Are you ok ? He asked stepping up closer to you . You looked up at him. " yes and no " you said and told him what happen. You saw the angry flash across his face for a second. But then it soften again " He a jerk you cant listen to him he let you go so he a fool as well " he said " I wish I could believe that " you said softly. "Then let me show you "he said softly as he leaned and pressed his mouth to yours in a slow sweet kiss. You felt lighted headed as he slowly deepen the kiss and your hands came up to grab on to his shoulders . He pulled away and for second neither one of you moved you didnt know what to say but he didnt seemed to mind " come on lets eat " you said.

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