Colder weather

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"Crap " Rick mummer as the car you guys were in slowed and suddenly came to a stop. "out of gas " you guessed . "yep " he leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes in frustration. It hadn't been the easiest day you had to admit and you had a feeling Rick was about at the end of his rope.

This was suppose to be a simple run to get some more formula for Rick's Baby girl Judith. There was a store about a hours drive away from the prison it was a simple get in and get out . That why it was only you and him. Less people to worry about.

Truth be told this was the first time you been out on a run just with rick by yourself . Usually Maggie or Glenn would come to but everyone else was busy trying to get the prison ready for the winter. So that just left you and Rick But you didnt mind .

You loved the chance to have any time alone with him even if you didnt know what to say to him half the time .The man was so good looking and had such a air about him you couldnt help but find yourself attracted to him.

So now here you were apparently stuck miles away from the prison with him and sun was just setting. Lucky you guys had hit the store and got the formula and diapers but now you were stuck.

"Well it going to get colder and it not going to be safe to travel once the sun goes down so we need to decided what we are going to do " you said he lifted his head and looked at you and then look out the window thinking.

" I guess we walk as far as we can before night fall I know that there are several house on the way to the prison so we will have to camp in one of those tonight . " he said and you nodded reaching in the backseat and grabbing your bag and pulling out your extra jacket

" might as well get bundle up " you said with a grin he laughed and did the same and you climbed out of the car .Each of you took a bag and then started off choosing to travel in the wood.

Thankful the walk was quite for the first little bit one or two walkers that were easily taken down by a silent knife to the head by either you or Rick. Neither on of your spoke but it was a easy silence . You just concentrated on watching your step as you step over logs and around bushes .

You guys walked for about an hour and half when you came to an house .. "I guess we should be stopping for the night " Rick said as he set his bags down and pulled out his knife " need to make sure the house is clear and secure " he explained and you nodded as you put down you things and pulled out your knife

" I will go front you go back " you said he nodded and you guys split directions. This was what you were good at .. Dealing with the dirty aspect of living doing what you had to do to make it another night. But when it came to anything that involved expressing feelings or emotions you were a lost cause..

That why you were sort of nervous to be spending the night with Rick ..not that anything will happen because you knew he didnt see you like that . You check the window in the front and they all seem sturdy and you slowly made your way up front on the porch .it was dirty and you noticed at least 15 newspapers laying around on the ground around the door. With one hand you tested the door and found it opened.. You slowly pushed it open and waited for a second for anything to pop out when it didnt you walked in.

There was just enough light left to be able to see in the dusty old room it was a open living room with a couch push back up against the wall that was hiding what look a stairway leading to the 2nd floor. There were a couple chairs and what caught your attention was a fireplace that might come in handy if it actually works.

You walked farther into the room the living room turn into a open kitchen all the cabinets were open wide and they were empty of course. You Jumped when there was pounding on the sliding glass door ..but relax when you saw Rick .he was laughing you just rolled you eyes and open then door for him

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