I see you

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Daryl x reader - You never though Daryl would see you or your feelings . But after a midnight talk things began to change for the both of you.

It was late and you knew you should be sleeping. But your mind wouldnt let you rest. While you laid on your back staring up at the celling your thoughts were filled to earlier that day .

You had been taking Judith for a walk around the community in her stroller because it was such a pretty day . Everyone was off doing there own things. You didnt mind being alone it was a good time to think.

You had rounded the corner and saw Daryl sitting on the steps of the house. You always saw Daryl even though he never saw you . Not really not the way you wanted him too.

You were shy but you made yourself walked over to him " hey what you doing just sitting there?" you asked. He looked up " Waiting on Rick " he replied " We are going out to check the traps we have set up outside the walls " he replied

You nodded " well me and princess here are just out for a walk " you said and you saw a real smile come on his face when he looked at Judith . It made your heart speed up and you couldnt take your eyes away from him

He raised his gaze up to meet yours . For a split second he held it and your heart jumped into your throat. But the moment was over when Rick came walking up hollering for Daryl.

You both looked away and he stood up You watched him walked towards Rick with a sigh..


Now hours later you were laying in bed staring up at the celling unable to sleep . You finally gave up and slip out of bed and headed downstairs to get something to drink .

You walked into the kitchen it was quite everyone asleep . You got a cup and pour you some water. You turned around when you heard something in the other room. You frown everyone should be asleep you thought.

You walked into the other room the living room . Even though it was dark you could see someone slump on the couch. Walking into the room you saw it was Daryl.

" hey what are you doing up ?" you asked walking up to the couch . He looked up at you and you couldnt help but noticed how tried he look. He just shrugged " Can't sleep " he said.

" Oh " she said she knew she should just go back to bed . But she couldnt leave him ..

"Wants some company ?" you asked He met your gaze and you saw the quick smile . " don't mind " he said

You sat down on the couch next to him " So why are you up ?" he asked looking over at you head resting on the back of the couch . " Cant sleep my mind wont let me " she said.

" Thinking to hard uh?" he asked and you smiled " I guess " you replied. For a few moments the two of you sat in silence but it was a nice comfortable silence . " did you and Rick do ok outside with the traps "" you asked

" Not too bad I guess mainly rabbits but it better than nothing. " he said . You nodded " I heard talk of a supply run sometime in the next day or so " you said " You going on that " you asked

"Probably " he said with a sigh.. " What wrong ?" you asked .. For a minute he didnt reply you didnt push if he didnt want to talk then that was ok .

" I am just tried " he said softly you glanced over at him he was slouched down farther against the couch . " I wish sometimes that I could say no " he said . " what do you mean?" you asked . He sigh .. "I just feel like when something needs done everyone looks to me right away "

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