Nightmares- Daryl

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     You were woken up with Daryl who was sleeping beside you suddenly jerked . He moaned In his sleep and rolled over .. You shifted and touch his shoulder.. Causing him to jerk and wake up breathing hard. He looked up at you blinking several times. "Hey are you ok ?" you asked him. He sat up rubbing a hand over his face" yeah I am guess a bad dream "he said softly.. "Want to talk about it" you asked .. "no I just need some fresh air." he replied climbing out of bed and slipping on his shirt and boots grabbing his crossbow he left. You sigh and wanted to go after him but you knew him well enough to know when he needed space. So you rolled over and tried to go back to sleep

After that it became a routine over the next week or so he would wake up from a dream and then leave but never coming back to bed. He would never tell you what was it was about. In fact he wasn't talking to you much these days he just seem to close himself off again just like when you first met. It was frustrating but you knew you really couldn't push it or it would make things worse. So you kept your mouth closed and just gave him the space he needed

Rick decided to round up a few volunteers for a supply run " It going to be me and Daryl and need a couple more people " he said " I will go " you said "Me too "Maggie said. Rick nodded and Rick nodded "good we will leave in 30 minutes "he said You glanced at Daryl who was glaring at you . But you ignore him and went back to your cell to grab your knife and gun. "Why do you have to go?" Daryl asked as he walked into the cell. "because I want to why shouldn't I " you asked turning around to face him. " just because it dangerous out there " he replied "and so I know how to take care of myself " you replied. " I just don't want to have worry about keeping my eye out on you " he said ."Well excuse me but you don't have to I am a grown women and I know what I am doing " you said frustrated . "Well fine then I wont worry about you " he snapped and turned and walked out. You sigh and wonder what that was all about. But you just have to worry about that later after you get back from the run.

In the car you and Maggie sat in the back and Rick was driving and Daryl was in the passenger seat he refused to look at you and you didn't look at him. Maggie leaned in and in hush voice asked "So what is going on with you and Daryl " she asked you shook your head I am not totally sure he all the sudden freaking out about me going out on runs and having to keep an eye on me " you said.. "Maybe he just worried ." she suggested. You sigh " I don't know he wont talk to me much anymore " you said. "it will work out don't worry " Maggie said. You could nod. Finally after a while Rick pulled the car into a parking lot of a grocery store everyone climbed out of the car pulling out weapons " me and Daryl will take the back and you two take the front " Rick said. Both you and Maggie nodded and watch the men disapered around the back of the building. You gave Maggie a look and she nodded as you walked up to the double doors you banged on it a couple times and waited for few minutes but nothing came out of you. So you slowly open the door and you and Maggie slip into the building guns raised. After a quick look around you put your gun in it holster and started stuffing in your bag Maggie doing the same a few rows down. After you cleaned your area out you moved forward and saw a door you slowly walked over to it and pulled out your gun just in case. You slowly opened it and as it open it was suddenly flung open as a group of walkers came flooding out. Surprise you step back knocking into a shelve you raised your gun and started firing hit at least two but they moved forward and you had to stumble backwards finally tripping on something and falling to your back.. But you kept firing soon you heard other guns going off and people yelling. Finally everything was dead and before you could pull yourself to your feet Daryl was there grabbing your hand and pulling you up and into his arms.. "Are you ok did you get bit or scratched " he was asking you " no I am fine " you said "good " he said before he released you" See this was what I was talking about this is why you shouldn't have come " he yelled " I am fine what I don't need it your yelling at me " you snapped you pushed your way past him and Maggie and Rick who were both standing looking shook and walked out to the car and climbed in hurt and sad and mad all at the same time. Everyone climb back into the car but no one spoke on the trip back you just stared out the window

Once you were back to the prison you dropped the stuff you collected off and march back to your cell threw the blanket over the door quickly change and laid down on your bed you rolled on to your stomach and buried your face in the pillow and cried and cried until you were to wore out to do anything else. You soon fell into light sleep. You were awoke sometime later to someone crawling into the bed beside you and wrapping theirs arms around you pulling you closer .. You started to jerk back. Until you felt Daryl 's lips on yours was then all the fight drain out of you again and you melted against him. "I am sorry " he said softly as he broke the kiss " I am so sorry " he said again as he hugged you tighter against him and buried his face in your neck. " can you talk to me and tell me what your problem is.. You know I am here for you but not to yell at " you said "I know and I am sorry for yelling at you today but you don't know when I saw you almost get taken down by those walkers it was like my dreams were coming true " he said " your dreams?" you asked . He sigh..." yeah I haven't been sleep real well lately I have been having these real horrible dreams about you dying and I couldn't save you.." he said you felt him take a deep like he was trying not to break down. You frown and scooted closer to him bringing your hands up to his face pushing back some the hair out of his eyes .. You leaned in and kissed him softly.." I am sorry that you are having those dreams.. But I am here and I am fine and I want to help " you said as you kissed him again this time though he deepen it with a hand wrap around the back of your neck bringing you in . You groan and let your hands run over his shoulders and down his chest and stomach...he growled and rolled you over onto your back with him leaning over you "I just need you "he said and you smiled and pulled him down for a kiss letting him know you were there.

When you woke up the next morning you were excepting to be alone but you woke up and found yourself still snuggled up against him head on his chest his arms tightly around you as he slept .He was snoring softly .You smiled glad to see he was getting the rest he needed and because you didn't want to leave him you allowed yourself drift back to sleep as well..

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