Cackles and Voices: Day 3

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Lucy (Tuesday)

It's now the third day of the week, which is Tuesday. My patience for school will not last long and I'm really hoping that this week can go by so fast so I can begin already!

Who knew that I'd be really excited for Mondays? I was never really happy and excited for Monday to come but now I am since I'm going to be making new friends and learning new instruments at Fairy Academy.

Plus, I'll be starting fresh.

But anyways, Natsu and I will be doing something today! Something unique.

Basically, we're gonna be doing a duet together with our vocals. All I hope is that he doesn't suck at singing because he seems like the type of guy to have good vocals. Now, people have said that I am pretty good at singing, and I'm gonna be trusting on their words.

We're gonna be singing at 3:30 PM and it's just like a rehearsal, which I am so excited for! Currently, it is 2:56 PM. I have moved my furniture a little off to the side so Natsu and I can have room for our microphone stands and my speakers. 

After I got everything cleaned up and set up for the performance, I quickly change from my childish clothes into a more mature ladylike outfit; a white shirt with a high waisted black skirt.

It's actually been one of my dreams to perform with someone who has these types of music skills like me. Well, besides my mother.

I breathe in and out, trying to calm my excitement. But I ended up jumping and screaming and hyperventilating like a happy idiot.

Knocks on my door made me stop and I look at it. I gulp and stand up from the floor, fixing my skirt and hair. I walk casually towards the door and stop there in front of it.

"Hi, Natsu. The weather sure is nice today, huh?" I whisper with joy.

Wait, what did I even eat for breakfast today in the morning? I don't want my stomach to grumble as we practice! Perhaps I should eat a snack first–Lucy! Just open the door!

Natsu probably left already.

I open the door and smile.

"Hey." I greet, opening the door wide enough for him to enter.

"Hey. Are you ready?" Natsu asks, bringing in a bag that looks a lot like a gym bag.

"Yep! I've been super animated for this moment." I said, trying really hard to hide my excitement.

Natsu gives me a perplexed and creeped out expression. 

"I mean, I have been excited to do a duet with someone besides my mother. I'm even more excited because you're into music and uh...yeah!" I exclaim, smiling idiotically.

He chuckles.

"You're so childish. It's cute."

Tossing the compliment aside, how dare he call me childish?!

"Anyways, do you know this song called Undress Rehearsal by Timeflies?" I ask, closing the door behind me.

"Of course! That song is amazing!" He said, and I smile.

"It is. Do you want to sing it then and give it a try?"


We walk further into my living room, where our microphone stands and my speakers are placed. It will all be instrumental, and to be honest, I'm nervous.

"Alright. Is everything set up?" I ask, grabbing the microphone displayed on the stand in front of me.

"Yep. Just need to test the microphone. Testing! Testing!"

"Testing!" I shout out, which was loud.

"Yours work. Did mine?"

"Yes. Now let's get this show started!"

I press the play button on my phone that was sitting on a table near my speakers and the music starts playing as soon as I turn around. I walk back to my stand and clear my throat.

Here goes nothing!

I begin to ooh at the beginning of the song, and afterwards, it was now Natsu's turn. Surprisingly, he has a good voice!

As Natsu sang, he started to act as if he was on stage. He started to sing to me while I was smiling like a total idiot! This feels so strange, yet entertaining.

As we sing and sing, Natsu began to get closer to me, which made me shy and a bit uncomfortable. But, that immediately left my mind when I put my head in the game.

It's weird. Natsu and I are comfortable with each other and it's only been three days. Feels like we've known each other for a long time.

I was too focused on our friendship that I hadn't realized that it was my part to sing. Natsu suddenly stops singing and I look at him, confused.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask, blinking a couple of times.

"You didn't sing your part. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I zoned out. I guess I was too excited to even remember to sing. Strange." I said, gulping.

"It's okay. Do you wanna stop now?"

"I don't know! I mean, the song is already going to be finished. Might as well stop." I said, turning around before he got too close.

I turn off the music and sigh. Way to blow the entertainment, Lucy.

"It was nice. That's our second biggest memory together." He says, and my heart tingles.

"Oh, yay! Glad you had fun!"

Well, what now? What does two people do after singing a duet together? Sing more songs?

"Ahem, so what do you wanna do now?" 

"Hmm, I don't know. Perhaps tickle you!" Natsu says, coming closer and making contact with my ribs.

"Natsu! No!"

I begin to laugh hysterically, trying to slap his hands away from me. But I fall back on the couch and he trips forward. So basically, I'm sitting down and he's over my body, our faces inches apart. I stare at his eyes and we both began to giggle.

Ha! I bet you thought we were gonna kiss! You thought that it was gonna be one of those cliche moments where the girl and guy confess to each other and kiss each other and get together.

The small giggles turned into loud laughter. And the loud laughter died out after 5 minutes of uncontrollable cackling.

Do you ever feel like that? You crack up so hard that you can't even breathe anymore so you try to breathe in through your laughs but sometimes you fail 'cause you're remembering the funny moment that had occurred five minutes ago?

Then you die out of laughter but you still crack up at the funny scene in your grave. Oh, that's what we were experiencing.

Hours pass by and Natsu leaves my apartment. He goes back to his and I smile, feeling a rush of butterflies inside of my stomach. I'm falling in love, Mama. I wish you were here with me right now but you're off back at the mansion.

Wednesday soon arrived after that.

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