He Finally Knows Our Secret!

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"Here, maybe this will make your throat feel better." Natsu said, coming from the kitchen as he hands me a cup of tea.

I smiled at him and accepted the tea. It was nice and warm but it wasn't too hot.

I took a sip and swallowed it, making the warm tea warm my stomach.

"Let's see. Try to speak and say, I love you, Natsu."

I nodded my head and placed the tea on the table.

"I love you–"

I coughed. My voice sounded so old and chirpy!


"It's getting there." Natsu said, chuckling.

I glared at him and he rose his hands in surrender.

"Maybe not."


Later on in the same day, I figured an app on my phone where it speaks for you.

I just have to type in the box and press 'enter' and afterwards, a voice reads the text!

How awesome is that!?

Of course, I put it on female. I wouldn't want to sound like a man!

"How's your throat? Did it stop hurting?" Natsu asked, and I typed in the box.

"A little. Thanks to the tea warming it up, I'm fine."

But what I hate about this app is that it sounds like a robot.

"That's good to hear. Hope you recover your voice, Luce but right now, I need to go to my apartment real quick and grade your tests. It may take a while but I'll be back."

"Why don't you just bring the tests here? You can grade them in my house."

"It's a lot. You know, I have plenty of old assignments to give to my class and if I don't grade them, Mira will kill me. Anyways, I'm off. Love you."

Natsu kisses my forehead and I smiled, typing on my phone.

"I love you, too. Take care."

"Back at 'cha."

Natsu smiles and leaves my apartment. I sighed.

It sucks not to talk. Feels like I just turned mute.

Should I just stay home tomorrow? Nah, I don't want to worry my friends.

I won't give up. I'll at least try to recover my voice before the competition.


The next day at lunch, Levy told me that Sting was glaring at me from the other table.

"He's such a creep. What the hell does he want from you?" Levy asked, and I shrugged.

"I don't know but I'm going to the bathroom really quick. Gotta wash my hands from this tomato sauce of the pizza."

"Why don't you just wipe it away from a napkin?"

"I don't have one. Plus, you already used yours so might as well go to the bathroom."

"Okay. Be careful though. And I'm really impressed that you can type so quick."

"It takes skills, Levy-Chan."

"Of course it does. Now go!" Levy laughed, and I walked out of the cafeteria.

I tried whistling but it doesn't work. It just comes out like air when you don't know how to whistle.

Anywho, after making it to the bathroom, I pushed open the doors and walk towards the sinks.

I turn the faucet and rinsed my hands on the water. The cold feeling makes me shiver.

After washing my hands, I pull a paper towel from the thingy and dried my hands with it.

I threw it in the trash bin and walked out of the bathroom.

But I was greeted by someone unexpectedly.

"So, you and Natsu, huh?"

Sting Eucliffe.

I took out my phone and started to type in the box.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you know what I'm talking about. You're dating Natsu secretly."

"I'm not! I don't know where you got that idea from!"

"I've been spying on you, Lucy. Yeah, I've seen you two kissing and saying 'I love you' to each other. Your little secret is about to be expose to Principal Mavis and everyone in campus."

"Hey! So you're just gonna spread lies around school!? Really!? Wow, I thought you were so better than that, Sting."

"I am. But this is my revenge for you leaving Saber High."

"Why can't you just leave me alone!? Let me live my life."

I turned on the anger and shouting mode on my phone and I must say, the female voice sounds awesome!

"You were a part of my life, Lucy. Now I've come to make you miserable."

"Stop it! What can I do to make you not expose the secret!?"

Sting narrows his eyes at me and I gulped. I shouldn't have said that.

"Well, what you can do is dump Natsu and be my girlfriend and go back to Saber High with me. Does that sound like a good reason for me not to tell anyone about your little secret? 'Cause it does to me."

"You sick prick! I'm not doing any of that! I love him more than anything and I'm not gonna dump him for you!"

"Alright, listen. You have up to these last three days until this week ends. If you don't make up your mind, I'm telling the whole school about you and Natsu. Got that, Princess?"

"Fuck you!"

"Ooh, was that smart to say that to me? Well, now you have two days left."

I gritted my teeth in anger as Sting smirks and leaves me alone in front of the girls bathroom.

What an idiot he is. How dare he blackmail me!

What should I do? This isn't right. If I don't make up my mind then...the whole school will know Natsu and I's secret.


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