Upcoming School Festival

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The next day, Levy told me that in school, we were gonna have a festival this week.

A Fall Festival.

I'm super excited and happy that I'm gonna be having my first festival in school with actual real friends! It's gonna be such a blast!

"Are you excited for the upcoming festival this week?" Levy asks, smiling as we walk down the halls to go to lunch.

"Yeah, I am. I wonder what we're gonna be doing." I said, pondering a bit.

"Oh! The festivals we have for every season is completely different. But we use one game that's the same and that's Scavenger Hunting."

"Scavenger Hunting? Is that when you get a paper of all the things you need to find and you go searching for them?" I question, and Levy nods, smiling.

"Yep! Now, let's go and eat. I'm starving!"



"So, are you excited for the festival coming this Friday?" Natsu asks, smirking.

"It's coming this Friday!?"

"Yep. So, are you excited?"

"Of course I am. It's gonna be my first festival with real friends...and with you." I said, smiling.

Natsu ruffles my hair and kisses my temple.

"How's Fairy Academy? How do you feel about it?" Natsu asks, and I hum.

"I think Fairy Academy is good so far. Everything is going smoothly and the way I want it to be." I reply, and Natsu nods, giving me a small smile.

"Well, things are bound to get complicated, honey." Natsu said, in a very girly voice which made me chuckle.

"What is it?"

"You and the class will be taking a test. A very complex test that includes music instrument questions, English questions from original schools, and math!"

"Math!? Why math!?" I shriek, giving him a nasty and betrayed look.

I despise math despite how important it is to learn it in the real world. Math is one of the reasons why I moved from a regular school to a music school!

And it seems that everywhere I go, there's math!

"Because I want to test my class's knowledge in math to see if they know how to calculate equations and calculate original math problems. Let's see if you guys still remember." Natsu smirks and chills run down my spine.

"Please...anything but math."

"Sorry kiddo. You're just gonna have to study. In fact, all the teachers will take this type of test. And I can tell that you really don't like math."

"I don't. I thought I would get away from math from enrolling to a music school but I guess not. Anyways, how is math related to music!?"

"They both start with 'm'..."

"Oh my God, Natsu! You're so clueless!"


Since today is Wednesday and we get out early, Levy, Cana, Gajeel, Juvia, Wendy, and Romeo all decided to hang out and study for the upcoming test in Levy's house.

"Man! I can't believe these stupid teachers are making us take a math test. Like, English is okay but math? It's just too much for my brain to handle." Cana whines, laying down on the couch while holding a book.

"Indeed. Natsu is such a pain in the butt." Levy pouts, and I giggle.

"I, personally, tried to urge the guy into not giving us a math test but he insisted in doing it to try to test our knowledge in mathematics." I roll my eyes and stared back at my textbook.

"It seems that you guys are getting really close despite that you just came here on Monday. Is something going on between the two of you or something?" Wendy asks, and I shriek.

"What!? No! Nothing's going on between Natsu and I! We just seem to get really along with each other."

"Oh really? Alright, that's good of enough explanation." Cana said, drinking her bottle.

"You know you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend, okay?" Levy said, staring at me with those brownish, greenish eyes.

"Yeah, I know. You can tell me anything too."

"That's what best friends do."

"Alright! Enough of this best friend crap, let's try and study." Gajeel grunted, totally annoyed.

"Awe! Look, Gajeel wants to study and get a good grade! How adorable!" Levy teases, and Romeo sweat drops.

"H-He has been feeling this way ever since, Levy." Romeo said, which caught everyone's attention.


"Romeo, if you don't shut up I'm gonna k—"

"Ever since he has been dating Levy, he started to care about his grades and told me that he wanted to get better." Romeo explains and we all giggle.

"Gajeel, why didn't you tell me? I could've easily tutored you." Levy pouted, and Gajeel blushes a little.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. It's not like I needed help before."

"What are you talking about? You did needed help before! You were all in a gang when we came and changed you up." Cana says, smirking, throwing her book to the ground like she couldn't take it anymore.

Gajeel didn't respond. He just sighed and grabbed his book.

"Let's just study."

I see. So Gajeel was in a gang before. He actually seems to be in a gang with all of his piercings, black clothes, and bandana.

I wonder how this group changed him into being nice. Imagine with nakama and family power? That'd be awesome.


Well, it was officially night time and I was laying down on my bed, thinking about what just happened during the past two days.

It was very complex to understand what had occurred but everything happened so quick.

Natsu and I had broken up, he had a meltdown, I went to comfort him and all of a sudden we're back together for keeping this whole dating thing a secret.

I sigh. I mean it's good that we're back together but it's just not how I expected for us to be back together.

Oh God...Mom is right...I do read too much romance novels.

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