This Isn't Goodbye

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The next was really hard for me.

I had said goodbye to all of my friends expect Natsu.

Mom had arrived to pick me up from the field trip and she told me that she'd give Natsu and I both ten minutes to say our final words to each other.

"So, this is it." I started, looking at the ground.

" is. I hope you become a great musician." He said, smiling sadly.

I nodded, a small smile appearing on my lips.


"I'm gonna miss you. It's funny how I already miss you although you haven't left yet." Natsu replied, chuckling.


I wipe away a tear that fell down my cheek as I stare off into the woods.

Suddenly, I felt a hand caress my cheek and it was Natsu's warm palm.

"Just promise me that you'll never forget me." He said.

"I would never forget you. You're my first love, my first kiss, and my first boyfriend. I'm glad I met you." I smiled, more tears appearing.

"Me too. You're my sunshine. My only sunshine."

"And you're my fire only dragon."

We both smiled and leaned in to kiss each other...but realized that it was wrong.

"We're not...t-together anymore. So, we shouldn't be doing that stuff until I return." I said, leaning away.

"Yeah, you're right. Until you return...but, can we both have our last hug?"

I look up and stare at his green eyes. I smiled and nodded.

Natsu quickly wraps his arms around me as I did the same.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

We stayed like that for five minutes and continued to do so until Mom honked her car.

"'s time. We're gonna miss our plane." She said, sad.

"Yeah...I'm coming. Just a bit longer." I sobbed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I heard Natsu sob too, meaning that he's crying.

"I'm not ready to let go. I'll never be ready." He said, sniffing.

"Me neither. But we'll meet again. I promise."

He hugs me tighter, as if he's afraid to lose me.

"One more thing, Lucy. Promise me that you'll be cancer free."

I smiled.

"Of course. I'll fight Leukemia with all my might." I said, giving him one last squeeze.

He finally had the courage to let me go and we both stared at each other.

"Student..." He said, tears streaming down his cheeks.


"I hope you're gonna be doing better on that other school in New York. I hope you'll have good music grades and other types of subjects. Make me proud." He pats me on the shoulder as I smiled.

"Aye sir."


It's been five months since I left Magnolia. Today, the month is February.

February 14th.

As I look outside, I see couples all around New York.

This makes me think of Natsu and our days together.

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