Catcalls: Day 5

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Lucy (Thursday)

In the morning, Natsu had texted me that he won't be available today because he has a meeting with a group of people. He apologized but I told him that it was fine. It's always good to take a break from someone for at least one day.

After holding up my hair into a tight ponytail, I check my gym outfit in the mirror; black leggings and a white loosed crop top.

"Good enough." I said to myself, leaving my room.

I approach my running shoes next to the door and sit down, putting them on foot by foot. As I tie my shoe laces, I receive a text message in my phone. I stand up and grab it, turning it on. On my lock screen, it shows Natsu's name and his message.

'I'm really sorry for not hanging out with you! I miss you already.'

I roll my eyes in a playful manner and turn off my phone. He has been texting me apology messages when he left for his meeting.

Natsu sent me 20 messages in total today saying that he's sorry.

"Alright, let's go!" I grab my gym bag, earphones, my apartment keys, and phone and exited out the door.


I open the gym doors and the cold AC air touches my skin. Chills run down my spine and I set down my gym bag on a table, unzipping the small bag to take out my gym membership card.

I grab it and go up to front desk, where a gym employee accepts it. She types things down in her computer and gives me back my card.

"Have a nice work out."

"Thank you." I said, grinning.

I set my gym bag down besides me next to the treadmill. I plug in my earphones to my phone and put them on in my ears, pressing play. There's lockers for both men and women where you can shower and put your bags in but I always like having my stuff with me.

It's weird.

The treadmill activates and I press the button 'quick start'. It starts the countdown and once it goes to zero, the treadmill begins to move.

I put the speed level of movement high until it got to 3.4. My legs start to speed walk and I listen to the song that's playing in my ears.

As I continue to run, there's a group of men in the weights area eyeing me up and down. Ignoring them, I decided to run for the next 20 minutes.

But with my peripheral vision, I think they are trying to show off to me their muscles and abs since I'm practically the only girl here running the treadmill. Mostly all of the women are doing yoga or stretching.

I quit singing and stop the treadmill. The reason why I stopped was because the guys kept staring at me and because I was tired. Their stares make me uncomfortable.

After getting off, I walk towards the bicycle equipment along with taking my bag. I set it down next to me and get on the bicycle, holding onto the small bars.

Unfortunately for me, the bicycle machinery are next to the weights area, which gave the guys a better look at me.

"Aye, girl! Come over here and we can go home together." A guy catcalls, and I roll my eyes.

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