Fixing the Misunderstanding

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I pushed open the girls bathroom doors and quickly ran inside. I checked the stalls to see if anyone was there and I sighed in relief that there wasn't.

I ran towards a sink and exhaled and inhaled. I looked at myself in the mirror as tears fell.

It was an accident, Lucy. Don't push yourself hard on that.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and I turned around to see who it was.

"Lu-Chan? Are you okay?" Levy-Chan asked, coming inside.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

"Well, you don't seem like you're fine. You're crying tears." Levy approached me and stares at me.


"Do you need a hug?"

More tears started to come out and I nodded my head.


Levy and I hugged each other as she strokes my hair.

"You best believe if Gajeel did that to me saying don't sweat it to a girl he accidentally kissed, I'm gonna set it off."

I chuckled and grinned a little. Levy is this type of person who makes people laugh when they're sad. Including her best friend.

"You seem like the type of person to set it off though."

Levy laughs and broke the hug.

"Anyways, you look like a mess shedding those tears. Let's wipe away those waterfalls and smile. Let a rainbow shine."

"Thank you. For making me feel better."

"You know I'm here for you."

I smiled and I splashed water on my face to get rid of the tear stains.

"Alright, I'm all set. Let's go and enjoy the festival."

Levy nodded and grabbed my hand. She opens the door and brings me out of the bathroom.

But...there was someone walking down the hallway looking all surprised to see me.

"Natsu! Hey, what's up?" Levy asked, acting all gangster.

"Uh, Levy...are you okay?" Natsu asked, in which Levy playfully punched Natsu.


"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? I'm just here with my BFF, hanging out in the bathroom and chopping onions."

"Chopping onions? You guys weren't chopping onions."

"We were! Here, l show you proof." Levy digs into her purse and pulls out a container that's filled with chopping onions and a knife.

What in the world is wrong with this girl!?

"L-Levy! You can't bring knives to school!" Natsu scolded, taking away the knife from Levy's hand.

"Wha—hey! That's mine! Natsu, give it back!"

"At the end of the day, you'll get your knife back. Understood?"

Levy pouted and nodded.


Natsu then stares at me and I immediately froze.

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