The Fight

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As lunch arrives, the crew and I walks over to our table when someone unexpected was sitting there.

Gajeel clenches his tray and hands it to Levy.

"What the hell are you doing here!? Huh!?" Gajeel shouted, which caught everyone's attention.

"Yo, Gajeel! I didn't know you attended this school! How's it going—"

"Answer my fucking question, Sting! Why the fuck are doing here!? Why did you enroll!?"

"I was looking for Lucy. I was gonna take her back to Saber High since everyone there misses her existence. They really want to bully her–"

Gajeel punches Sting, which got everyone to gasp.

"Gajeel!" Levy shouted, approaching Gajeel.

"It's best to stay away from him, Levy! Don't get into trouble!" Cana restrains Levy as she struggles.

"Cana! Let me go!"

Sting swings, which punches Gajeel in the face.

The two fought and I was scared.

"Hey! You two, cut it out!" I yelled, but they didn't listen.

Dammit. What should I do?

I looked around for anything that can stop them from fighting until I saw vases on each table.

I barely noticed the vases were there. They look pretty cute–Lucy! Stop getting distracted!

I grabbed a vase and approached Sting. It's a good thing that his back was facing me.

I quickly smashed the vase on Sting's head and he collapses on the floor, unconscious.


I sighed. At least the fight ended.

"Lucy..." I heard Gajeel muttered, and that's when a teacher came.

"What happened here!?"

Great. It's Natsu.

I turned to face him and he looks at the unconscious Sting, the shattered vase, and Gajeel and I.

"Gajeel was fighting Sting and then Lucy came and smashed a vase on Sting's head. You should give them punishment." Kagura the Snitcher said.

"Damn straight I'll give them punishment. Loki take Sting to the infirmary room now while I have a talk with these two."

"I'm on my way." Loki said, grabbing Sting's arm and wrapping it around his shoulder.

I sighed and Gajeel and I both walk with Natsu to his classroom.

Once we got there, he sighed as well.

"What were you two thinking!?"

"Well, I was the fault of everything. Leave Lucy alone in this. She helped me defeat that bastard and—"

"But Gajeel, you weren't suppose to fight at all! Fighting will ruin this school's reputation."

"Oh c'mon! We want people to know that Fairy Academy is a badass school! We want them to think 'oh no, we shouldn't mess with this school.' Let's scare them!"

"Gajeel. I know what you're trying to say but still, fighting is not acceptable."

"Remember the last time you fought with Gray? Erza broke you guys apart and you two were literally scared for your lives! Lucy, you should've seen their faces!"

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