Losing My Hair

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When I woke up this morning, I saw a chunk of my blonde hair sitting down on the pillow.

I sighed, grabbing it.

I almost forgot that I had a sickness. Great.

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom, throwing my hair inside the trash bin.

I only had a few strands of my hair and I crouched down to the cabinet that was under the sink to grab a razor.

Time to shave all this leftover hair and become bald.

I turned the razor on and shaved my hair off. I sighed again.

It took a while to grow out my long hair and now that I'm shaving my head, I feel sad.

But hey, I look great! Being bald is great!

Bald is beautiful.

I decided to take a warm, quick shower before I go to school.

Mom had left to work again so she doesn't know about my having cancer. Natsu doesn't either but I'm planning on telling him today.

He will see me like this anyways so what's the point in hiding it?

I turned the shower on and set it to the middle of hot and cold.

Alright, time to take a shower!


After getting out of the shower, I changed into my outfit that I planted on my bed.

It was a high waisted, dark brown skirt with a loosed, gray shirt that I'm going to be tucking in, and black leggings along with flats.

Of course, I put a beanie over my head just to put in some extra fashion.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

"I'm confident and I won't let anyone's remarks hurt me."


Just right when I first entered school, my friends came rushing towards me.

"Lucy! Oh my God, we've heard what happened to you. I'm really sorry!" Cana yelled, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know the drill. Ya'll are gonna stop hanging out with me because I have Leukemia—"

"What are you talking about!? We won't stop hanging out with you, Lucy-San. We'll help you raise money for surgery."

"What!? You guys don't have to do that. I can do that with my own—"

"No, Lucy. That's wrong. We'll help you raise money 'cause we're your friends. Trust me, it'll be soon." Gajeel smirks, patting me on my head.

"W-Well, I guess. But thank you. Thanks for being there for me guys."

I started to get teary eyed but the group hugs me and I felt a bit better.

"We love you, Lu-Chan, no matter what happens, we'll always be here."


"N-No...I'm scared. W-What will the class think of me? What—"

"Lu-Chan, you never cared of what anyone thought about you. Didn't you said that you were confident!?"

"Y-Yeah but..."

"Let's go!"

Levy pushes me towards and I stopped, the students staring at me.

"Just walk in like a normal human being." Levy encouraged, and I nodded.

We both walked together towards our desks and we immediately sit down.

"Stop staring! That's rude!" Levy yelled, scoffing at the students.

"Okay, class—" Natsu stopped once he took a glance at me.

I gulped. He hasn't looked at me because he was at his desk doing something in his computer when I walked in.

"M-Morning..." I said, waving a small hello and dropping my hand on my desk.

"Lucy...w-what happened to you?" Natsu asked, and I can clearly see the tears forming in his eyes.

What is he doing!? He can't cry in front of the class!

"U-Uh...it's a long story." I said, signaling that his tears are showing.

"O-Oh, alright! You'll have to speak to me after school. Anyways, let's start the lesson."

Mostly everyone was talking about me and I just sighed, letting the tears drop and land on the desk.

"Hey! Do you guys know what you're doing!? Stop talking about her and focus more on the lesson, faggots! Jeez, it's like you've never seen anyone with this sickness before." Levy cursed, and I put my head down on my desk.

"God dammit..." I sobbed, but my words were inaudible.

Why me?


After school, I went to Natsu's class to explain to him what happened to me.

No one was here except for Natsu, who was crying rivers at his desk.


He looks up and gets out of his seat, rushing towards me as he throws me in his arms.

He was sobbing uncontrollably and kept saying words that were inaudible to hear.

"W-What happened?" He asked, continuing to sob.

"Well, I have found out about the news yesterday and Levy went with me to the clinic to see Aries, my doctor. She tested my blood and got the results. She told me that I have been diagnosed with Leukemia Cancer..." I cried, and he hugs me tighter.

"Oh dear. I'm so sorry, Luce. I really am. But don't worry, you're gonna fight this battle with Leukemia. I promise. You'll win and survive."

I sniffed. "Thanks."

"Just remember again...that I'll always love you and be here for you."

"Yeah...I know. Me too."

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