Don't You Dare!

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It wasn't easy to forget the threat Sting said to me.

I only have two days to make up my mind.

He's so selfish and ignorant! I hate him so much!

I wish he never attended this school!

"Lu-Chan? Is something wrong? You seem to be angry and down." Levy-Chan asked as we walk down the road to my house.

"It's that bastard, Sting. He threatened me." I said through my phone.

"Threaten you!? What did he say!?"

"He knows about Natsu and I. He knows that we're dating...and if I don't break up  Natsu and be with him back at Saber High, Sting's going to tell Principal Mavis and everyone in campus. I'm just so scared! I don't know what to do!" I cried, tears falling.

"Oh Lu-Chan. I'm really sorry to hear that. It must be hard on you and Natsu."

"N-Natsu doesn't know yet. I'm planning on telling him when I go to his apartment."

"Well, where does he live? I can take you there."

I smiled at her as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Natsu's my neighbor, Levy."

Her eyes widened and a big smile appeared.

"Really!? That's awesome! Then c'mon! We can't keep him waiting!"

Levy grabbed my hand and pulls me down the street.

"H-Hey, be careful now! We don't want to get crashed again, now do we?"

"We won't! Let's just hurry!"


"He what!? That bastard! I swear I'll beat him up to a pulp!"

"Hey, now. We don't want the campus to know that a teacher beat up a student. Calm down, Natsu." Levy said, anxiously chuckling.

"But that isn't fair! He blackmailed Lucy and it's just for frustrating! I never thought that somebody will actually know our secret. God, that's bull!"

I kept silent, not even bothering on typing on my phone.

It is frustrating. Knowing that someone so evil as Sting will do something like that is awful.

"Luce...don't worry. I'm sure we'll fix this." Natsu said, noticing my silence.

I looked up and he smiling sadly...which didn't made me feel better.

Levy scoffs.

"Lu-Chan has so many things to worry about. The competition, her voice, Kagura's love for Natsu, Sting's threat, school. I feel so bad for you, Lu-Chan."

I just sighed and took out my phone. I started to type as soon as possible.

"I'm not even having it today. I'm really scared about everything. I'm scared of the future. I love Fairy Academy and it will be a shame to leave it."


Suddenly, I heard Natsu's forehead against mine and I looked up in surprise.

He was smiling with his eyes closed, placing a hand on top of my head.

"We'll fix this, Lucy. We'll protect our future. We won't let Sting get away with this...I promise."

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