Today's Lesson

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"Lu-chan! Hey! So, who's your teacher?" Levy-chan asks the next day.

"Oh, I have Natsu as my teacher." I reply, smiling as we both enter Fairy Academy.

She gasps.

"Really!? Cool! I couldn't come to class yesterday 'cause I was picked up early. I had to go to the doctor's." Levy-chan says, and I nod.

"I understand. Anyways, what are we gonna be doing today?" I interrogate, walking down the hallways.

"I've told my friends about you and they want to hang out with you at lunch. You're gonna be meeting them today!" She giggles, and I smile widely.

"Awesome! I'd love to meet your friends!"

"Well, they're your friends now. Hey guys!"

Levy walks towards a group of people and I follow right behind her.

"Hey, Lev! What's up?" A brunette says, drinking a bottle.

"Remember that girl I talked to you about? Well, here she is." Levy introduces and I smile, waving hello.

"Hey. You guys probably know who I am, right?"

"Yeah, you're Lucy Heartfilia. It's so nice to meet you!" A small, blue haired girl said.

"Yeah. It's nice to meet you, too..."

"I'm Cana Alberona." The brunette with the drink said, smirking.

"I'm Gajeel Redfox, Levy's boyfriend." A buffed guy with piercings on his face says.

My eyes widen. How can a girl so sweet and gentle be with a guy who looks like a total delinquent!? Well, I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

But I'm guessing it's true. Opposites attract.

"I'm Romeo Conbolt, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lucy." A boy said, smiling.

He looks like the age as Wendy's. Maybe they're a couple or something.

"Juvia's name is Juvia Lockser. Lucy better not be in Juvia's way with her man! Love rival!" An ocean, blue haired girl said, and I giggle anxiously.

"Well, it's nice meeting you too."

"Hey, do you drink?" Cana asks, bluntly.

"Eh!? No, I don't drink. Only on special occasions, yeah, of course I'll take a drink or two." I admitted, and Cana wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"Awesome! Here, become an alcoholic like me!" Cana pushes her bottle towards me but I deny it.

" thanks." I said, brushing it off.

I hear Levy gasp, and she quickly grabs my arm, running down the halls.

"Lu-Chan! We have to go to class or else we'll be late!"

"But the bell hasn't rang yet!"

"There is no bell! What are you talking about!?"

Didn't Natsu say that the bell...oh my God, that idiot! We run down the halls and open the doors to Natsu's class.

"We're so sorry that we're late, Natsu! We got off track with time!" Levy says, going to her seat.

"Well, try not to be late for class, okay?" Natsu said, and I can tell he's trying hard not to smirk.

It's weird...having your boyfriend as a teacher.

"Yeah yeah. So, what's today's lesson, Mr. Dragneel?" Levy teases, and Natsu rolls his eyes playfully.

"Don't call me that. It's too professional for me."

"Of course it is." I said, sitting down on my seat.

The class stares at me weirdly and I just narrow my eyes at them. The hell are they looking at? Did I say something wrong?


"The new girl just talked to Natsu like that!"

"Can you believe it?"

"That's crazy!"

"Things are about to go down!"

What is going on? Natsu's my's obvious that it's okay to talk to him in that manner—oh wait, they don't know.

I sweat dropped and just took out my folder that had my music notes and original notes.

"Ms. Heartfilia. I know that you have enrolled yesterday but that doesn't mean you have the right to talk to me in that manner. Do you understand?"

What the Hell!? How is what I said insulting!? I don't understand! Ugh, whatever. And he's failing in pretending not to laugh.

"Yes, Mr. Dragneel. I understand." I remarked, snickering.

"Ooh." The class whistles, and I chuckle.

Seeing Natsu scolding me in class is just laughable. I'm so going to talk back to him in class! It's hysterical!

"I'm just gonna ignore that little comment of yours and continue on with the lesson."

"You haven't started the lesson." I corrected, smirking.

Sometimes, you have to watch what you're saying. But at times like these, you just have to, man!

"Oh, so you're getting smart with me?"

"I'm already smart."

Let's spice things up like a pumpkin spice latte. Natsu sighs and just ignores my comment.

"Anyways class, today, we're gonna be learning how to play a flute. It's very easy and you guys will learn pretty quick. There is a flute right on your desk. Go ahead and try it." Natsu informs, but I didn't do what he told us to do.

I take out a pen and begin to take notes.

Today's lesson: Learning to play a flute

I'm going to be trying to write down the music notes for the flute and make music out of it. Here are my results:

I grab the flute and place my fingers to cover the holes. I play the flute but got too focused on the rhythm.

I tried to do The Hills by The Weeknd but I realized that it didn't sounded right with this kind of instrument.

So I decided to do These Girls Ain't Loyal.

I played the first sound from the track and quickly write it down on the paper. I drew lines and the music notes to know when the beat lowers or rises.

But Natsu stops the class from playing the flute any further.

"Okay, time is up. Now, what I need you guys to do is write down the music notes for which song you're playing. It can be any song or music. Go ahead and begin while I take attendance."

He must've heard and saw me play the flute with full concentration. Natsu also must've seen me write down the music notes on my paper.

Thanks for giving me time, Natsu.


"Wow, that was amazing! It seemed that you were playing These Girls Ain't Loyal–well, the clean version but that doesn't matter. You were great." Levy-chan complimented, and I smile.

"Thanks! I also heard your song. You were playing Diamonds by Rihanna, correct?" I ask, and she nods.

"You are correct, Lucy. Now, let's go! Our friends are waiting for us!"

Levy grabs my hand and we speed walk towards the cafeteria. This almost reminds me as just a normal high school.

I see Natsu walking down the hall and I glance at him. He smiles at me and I blush, smiling back.

This is the start of an awesome adventure!

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