The Big Step

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"Ugh! Stupid bugs! They're really annoying! Why in the woods for a field trip?" Levy complained as I give air to my face with my hand.

"I don't know. All I'm complaining is the heat! Why come today!?"

"The heat and bugs are both horrible."

I nodded my head as we continued to build up our tent.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing and buzzing inside my bag. I walked over there to grab it and once I did, I take a look at the ID caller.

"Who is it?"

"It's Mom."

I answer the phone and soon, Mom talked to me.

"Hey, Mom."

"Honey, I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong?"

" do I put this? Let's see..."

"Mom, just tell me. What's the matter?"

I started to get suspicious as Mom started to stutter through the phone.

"We'll...we'll to New York tomorrow."

My eyes widened.

"What!? New York!? Why!? For how long!?"

There was so many questions inside my head that I couldn't even say it in voice.

"Please, you have to listen to me. New York has a music school that you can graduate quick. Plus, one of my friends offered me a job over there. We have to go to New York tomorrow."

"Do I even have a say in this!? I don't want to enroll to the New York music school! I love being in Fairy Academy–"

"Lucy! This isn't my choice either! J-Just please! Pack your bags in the evening so you can prepare yourself. I'll be picking you up from your field trip."

"Mom! Please don't do this! I don't want to leave my friends!"

"The New York music school is an elite school! You can learn more in that school than in Fairy Academy. Plus, all you do in there is fool around with your friends and Natsu! You're not learning new instruments!"

I sobbed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"! You can't possibly make me go. I'll miss my friends..."

"I'm sorry but y-you don't have no other choice."

"Mom, it seems that you have another reason to go to New York with me. What's that reason!? Why are you hiding it!?"

"I'll tell you later! Right now, we must go tomorrow! Please, whatever you do, just be careful. I love you."

" you, too."

Mom hangs up on the phone and I drop to my knees, crying.

"Lu-Chan...are you really going to New York tomorrow?" Levy asked, in a sad tone.

I nodded my head, not having the courage to speak.


I felt a fragile hand grab my wrist and I look up to see Levy smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Just remember that you can always count on me. You'll always be my best friend."

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