Escaping and Torture

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I woke up with my vision blurry and white lights shining my eyes.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was in the infirmary.

"What happened?"

No one was here...I was just left alone. I took the covers off and sat up with a headache,

"Augh, where are the painkillers when I need them?" I asked myself, standing up and walking towards the cabinets.

I opened the cabinet door to kind a lot of bandages, water, and pills.

I searched through the pills to find the painkillers and once I found them, I grabbed a water bottle and opened up the pill bottle.

I took a pill out and inserted it inside my mouth. I drank the water and swallowed the pill with it.

"I hope this gets rid of the headache."

I put the pills back but I took my water in case my throat gets dried.

After, I walk towards the door and opened it, looking at the halls.

There was no one. They must be in class right now.

Wait...this doesn't look like Fairy Academy. Where in the world am I anyway?

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

I turned around to find a male doctor staring at me angrily with a syringe.

"Where am I?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"You're at the hospital. Go back to bed, you're not ready to be set free."

I took out the tongue on him and ran out the door.

"Hey! Come back! Someone, stop her!"

I huffed and puffed as I ran towards the elevator. I pressed the button countless of times but it takes forever to open.

"C'mon, you stupid doors!"

I looked around me and saw a balcony area. I ran towards it and pushed it open.

I was only two stories high and I looked down to see a truck that's filled with garbage bags.

I smiled and climbed over the railings.

"Hey! Get off of there! You're going to fall!" The doctor shouted, and I smirked.

"Asta la vista, baby." I waved goodbye and dropped down, letting go of the railings.


It felt scary...falling down from a high place. It feels as if your stomach, heart, and brain collides as one and you just feel like dying.

I smiled and closed my eyes as I fall, feeling the wind touch me and blow my hair.

Until I hit the garbage bags, I opened my eyes and looked around.

I noticed that these black, garbage bags are filled with clothes.

That's awesome!

I ripped one open and searched for clothes that I can wear instead of this hospital dress.

I found a white crop top and a high waisted navy blue skirt along with black flats and leggings.

I think I'll look cute in these.

I climbed out of the truck and landed on the cold road. I began to ran because I can see the doctors running after me from the hospital.

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