Cana's Prediction

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"Happy October 1st, Lu-Chan!" Levy squeaked, fan-girling.

"Whoa, why are you getting so worked up for?" I asked, giving her a weird smile.

"It's because the year is about to end and because it's almost Halloween!"

"But Halloween is just in a few weeks—"

"Don't ruin my happy mood, Lu-Chan...or else–"

"Hey, guys! Happy October 1st! What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?!" Cana asked, wrapping an arm around Levy's shoulders.

"I'm gonna be Medusa." Levy replied, and Cana frowned.

"Gajeel was telling me that you two will be wearing a couple costume but hey, Medusa isn't all that bad since you got the hair of snakes." Cana teased, and Levy pouted.


"Lucy-San, what are you gonna be for Halloween?" Wendy asked, and I shrugged.

"I don't know. I was thinking of dressing up as the Little Red Riding Hood."

"Oh! That's perfect! Then you and Natsu can be Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf!" Levy whispered, and I smiled.

"I'm just lucky that these guys didn't heard you." I stated, smiling.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm just really excited."

"So, what are you gonna be Cana? I'm gonna be an angel." Wendy asked.

"Ooh, I'm gonna be dressed up as a Fortune Teller! Fun fact about me is that I can actually predict your future."


"I know, it's shocking." Cana smirks, grabbing my hand and feeling my palm.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked, freaking out.

"Silence. I'm predicting your future."

I gulped. This is gonna be taking a while.

Suddenly, Cana gasped and her eyes were wide. She quickly got away from me, stumbling.

"Lucy...oh my God." Cana said, terrified.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"The love of your life...and you...will not last long."

My eyes widened. Is she saying that N-Natsu and I will not last long?

"C-Cana! Stop playing jokes like that! It's obvious that her future boyfriend and her will last long." Levy interfered.

"No, it's not about relationship breakups...but it's about death. One of you will...die."

Levy looks at me with worried eyes but I just smiled.

"O-Oh! Well you look at the time! We have to go to class!" I grabbed Levy-Chan's hand and pulled her down the hallway.


We ran and ran down to Natsu's class and got inside. I rushed to my desk and put my head down, exhaling and inhaling.

"Lu-Chan. Don't believe what Cana says. That prediction may not be true."

"But what if it is? What if-"

"No. There's no what ifs in our friendship vocabulary. Understand? Cana's prediction isn't true. I promise."

"You can't control the future, Levy-Chan. It's just that this isn't fair!" I cried, sobbing.

"Levy, what's wrong with Lucy? Why is she crying?" Natsu asked, but I didn't look up.

"She's...worried about her relationship with someone. Cana predicted her future since she supposedly can read people's future and Cana told Lucy that either her loved one or her...will die." Levy explained, and I cried even more just thinking about it.

"Lucy, go to the restroom and wash up. Levy, go with her."

I stood up and I just covered my face as I looked down. It's a good thing that not everybody was in class.

"C'mon, Lu-Chan. Let's go."

The two of us started walking down towards the door when I saw Sting entering.

He was looking at me all surprised to see me crying.

Levy glared at him and just pushed him out of the way with her shoulder.

We decided to speed walk towards the girls' bathroom. And we did.

After arriving, Kagura and Milianna were there, staring at me while holding a cigarette.

"Oh look. It's the blonde bimbo." Milianna teased, and Levy glared at them.

"Would you guys just stop? Just get out. Class is already starting."

"Then why are you guys here? Shouldn't you two be in class?" Kagura asked, smirking.

"Natsu sent us to the restroom for Lu-Chan to wash up since she was crying. No go or I'll report that you two were smoking!"

"Ugh, fine. But this isn't over, Levy." Kagura said, walking out the door with Milianna.

"Such idiots they are. Anyways, how're you feeling?" Levy asked, and I smiled at her.

"I'm feeling a bit better. At the rate of 1-10, I'd have to say 5."

"Oh, Lu-Chan. I'm sure Cana's prediction is fake. This is the first time she's told us and—"

"Levy-Chan, would you feel the same way if you were at my shoes? You would be worried and scared about your relationship."

"Yes, I would. But you're not gonna die—"

"I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about Natsu. I don't want him to be gone."

You know what they say, you can't always worry about yourself.


As I entered my apartment, to my surprise, Natsu was there.

"'d you get in here?"

"Through the window."

I sighed and tossed my keys on the kitchen counter.

"How was—"

I gasped. Natsu had hugged me. I...wonder why.

Natsu wouldn't hug me for just anything, he would hug me for a specific reason.

"We won't die, Lucy."

My eyes widened.

I see, so he's talking about Cana's prediction.


"Don't worry about death, Lucy. Cana's prediction will not be in our way of our relationship. Trust me."

"But I'm scared. I don't want you to die."

"I don't want you to die, either. But promise me that you're not gonna be worried about this prediction. Okay?"

I nodded. I can feel the hot tears coming back and streaming down my cheeks.

"Okay. I won't. I promise."

Natsu wipes away the tears and kisses my forehead.

"Just remember that I'll always be here."

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