Feelings for You-Day 7

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Lucy (Saturday)

Snore (n): a snoring or grunting sound in a person's breathing while asleep

Natsu's soft snores enter my ears and I open my eyes a little, feeling his hand on my waist. His face was against my upper chest where my collar bones were, and I had to lean my head back to look at him.

I grin, not fully awake yet. I pull my hand up and stroke his hair with my fingers. His eyes move a little and my heart flutters, getting ready to see his reaction to us being this close.

"Hm, good morning, Luce." He says, smiling.


"You know, you're good at cuddling. Perhaps you should become a professional cuddler." Natsu says, and I snort.

"Cuddler isn't even a word, genius." I said, chuckling.

"I like to make my own words."

I shift away from him, and his response was a groan. Sitting up from bed, I stretch out my hands.

A sudden flashback of last night makes its way inside my mind. The way Natsu confessed when he was drunk got my cheeks heated up.

I stand up and walk towards the door, twisting the doorknob to open it. All of a sudden, I hear pans clinging and falling in the kitchen.

Widening my eyes and gasping, I swing the door open and flee from my room. I jog towards the kitchen and see a blue kitten making a mess, making objects fall to the ground.

"What the Hell?! How'd you get in here?!" I question, confused. 

"Whoa! It's Happy! How'd you get in here, lil' buddy?!" Natsu says, crouching down to the small feline.

I flinch, notching Natsu. He got up pretty quick just to say hello to this cat. And seeing the way he interacts with the feline, I'm sure that the cat named Happy is his cat.

"Is that your cat?"

"Yep! His name is Happy."

"Why is his name Happy?" I ask.

This man shouldn't be allowed to name things. Imagine what he would name his child! Now that would make the wife or girlfriend upset if he names his daughter Sadness, or any other emotion!

"I wonder how he got in here." Natsu says, and I sigh.

"Well, look what he did to my kitchen! Now I have to clean everything up." I said, grabbing a pan that fell to the ground.

"No! I'll do it! I'm responsible for this anyways. Happy's my cat and it's my fault. I should be the one to pick this up." He says.

"No, don't worry about it. I got this." I said, setting five pans in its place.

I reach out for a pot and its lid but Natsu grabs it for me.

"I'll do it. You go and get ready." Natsu replies, smirking.

"Get ready for what? Where are we going?"

"We're going to hike at the mountains!"

"We're going hiking? Awesome! I've always wanted to go hiking!" I said with enthusiasm.

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