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"A-are you feeling o-okay?" Alphys asked me a few minutes after Sans left.

"I feel fine now. That shot really works."

Alphys smiled, "I designed it myself."

"Well you must be very good at what you do. What else have you made?"

"Have you met Mettaton?"

I tried to remember back to the previous resets. "I'm not sure if I've met him, but I have heard of him. You created him?"

Alphys looked very nervous for some reason, and she started sweating a bit. "Yeah, I made him." She looked around and then looked back at me. "Have you met Undyne?"

"Um, yeah. I think I have. Why?"

Alphys rubbed the back of her neck, "is she cool?"

"Yeah, I'd say so."

Alphys smiled before clearing her throat and looking around nervously. "D-do you think we would be good together?"

I smirked, "so that's what this is about? Yeah, I'd say you two would be good together. Undyne is a tough cookie, but deep down I know she's a big nerd."

Alphys smiled and nodded, "o-okay. I'll be back in a little while."

Alphys walked back in to give me another pain shot. She wrapped a band on the area above my elbow to make the vein show up. She gave me the shot and unwrapped my arm, then looked at me nervously. "Y-you have c-cuts on your arm."

I looked down and swallowed thickly. "Yeah, I was going through some things. That was the only thing I could think of. Now that I've gotten a little older, I realized it was dumb. Some people go through worse, why did I do this? I don't know, I was young. It must have been for attention."

"Y-you're depressed?"

I nodded.

"You know, I-I think I know why you're down here. You jumped, didn't you?"

I nodded again.

Alphys nodded and gave me a small smile. "I understand. I've thought about it too. We all go through things, Skylar. Don't think that just because you did this means you want attention. It wasn't a cry for attention, it was a cry for help."

Alphys smiled at me, patted my arm, and left the room, leaving me to my thoughts. I sat in silence until the medicine knocked me out.

"Sky, you awake?" I heard a voice ask. I opened my eyes and saw Sans standing next to the bed. "Hey," he whispered.

"Hi," I said, sitting up. "How's Paps?"

"Oh, I invited him over. Undyne too." I smiled, and Sans cocked his head. "What?"

"Alphys has the hots for Undyne."

Sans' eye sockets widened. "Seriously? Oh my god, how have I not noticed before?" I shrugged. "So, you two were bonding?"

I nodded, "yeah. She told me some things, gave me advice. I think we could be good friends."

Sans nodded, "you're quite the social butterfly whenever you try. You have such a special personality, it's hard to not be friends with you."

I smiled and looked down, my hair falling over my face. Sans tucked the hair behind my ear and smiled at me. "Thanks," I mumbled.

Sans stared at me for another minute, "when do you get out of here?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging.

"Well, I'll go ask."

Sans got up and walked out the room, leaving me alone. I was looking out the window that is in the room when a face appeared. "What?" I said quietly, trying to get out of the bed. There was still pain in my side and stomach, but I ignored it and made my way to the window.

"Is anyone there?" I asked, getting closer.

The face popped up. Chara.

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