Chapter 1

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I walked into my large office and immediately sat down on my plush white couch in front of the glass that over looked New York City. I just won another case for my client, Zeeny, with the help of the Lord of course.

"Thank you." I said silently to the big man above. I made it my business to pray before every case and with that ritual, I have remained undefeated and I have never lost a case, with the grace of God. With him by my side, no one could win against me.

I grabbed the remote off of the glass table in front of the couch. After turning on the television, I noticed that ESPN was on. I decided to just watch that until it's time for me to leave in ten minutes.

I've completed all my work but I'm waiting on my personal assistant to come and let me know that she responded to all of my emails that I received while I was at court. After that then I will be on my way home for the rest of the day.

"Odell Beckham, the wide receiver for the New York Giants is here with us today. It's a pleasure to have you Odell. How are you?" The host asked Odell.

"Oh Lord Jesus help me." I said to myself before rolling my eyes. However, I didn't turn the channel. I was interested in watching this segment. I wanted to hear his voice no matter how much I wanted to neglect his presence on my television screen.

"I'm good. Thanks for having me." He said politely. I found myself smiling. He was always respectful and well mannered.

"That's good. I want to talk about the New York Giants. What are your expectations for this team considering the fact that you are big time and the face of the team. Also, what do you expect from yourself?" The male host asked.

"I wouldn't say that I'm the face of the team simply because there is no 'i' in team. I think that it's going to be a serious season this year. Every time the Giants have a bad year, they always come back strong. We have a couple great pickups and you know we got another running back so that's pretty cool and all. But all in all, the sky is the limit." Odell said.

"Who would you say is the best wide receiver other than you right now?" The female host asked. I know if he wasn't in front of a camera and being viewed by millions of people, his confidence level would be on one million. He would say something talking about there is no body better than him and then I would have to come and help him humble himself.

"Umm, I think Antonio brown is doing it best right now. I love watching him play. I believe he is on top." He said lying straight through his pretty, white, and straight teeth. Lord, why am I looking at this mans teeth?

"Why do you think that you should be on the cover of Madden?" The host asked.

"You guys would have to answer that but honestly, I've dreamed about it since I was younger. I dreamed about being on the madden or even a magazine cover, about being in the NFL. It's all so surreal to me especially after only being in the league for two years."

"That's very fair and good luck! Okay, don't forget to tune in tonight at 6 when we talk about Maywether." The host concluded.

"Looks like some one is an Odell Beckham fan." I heard my assistant, Kenya say. I turned the television off before standing up and straightening my baby blue pencil skirt out.

"Yeah, I'm a fan alright." I said more to myself than Kenya.

"Huh?" She said. I shook my head signaling nothing.

"Okay, well I checked all of your emails and you have someone that wants you to represent them from the New York Giants. Ironically they didn't leave a name, but I will be sure to call tomorrow and find out some more information. I'll schedule you an appointment with them before you come in the office tomorrow. As a reminder, tomorrow at 8:45, you have a meeting with administration to let them know about raises and promotions. Also at 11:00 sharp, you have to be at court with Judge Brown for Mrs. Adams to wade them away from giving her a GPS ankle bracelet. After that you are free to do anything you please unless I can squeeze in the appointment with the New York Giants football player. I already notified the staff that you won't be here on Wednesday due to a family event. I will take all of your calls and forward the important ones to your phone and forward your emails to your Mac Book. I have calculated all of your expenses this month and your total came out to be $6,000 even. That's $500 cheaper than normal." She said. This is why I love Kenya. She never misses a beat. She is the definition of a perfect assistant. Business runs smoothly because of her. I always try to grant her with a day or two off but she insists to stay because she says that she loves her job.

"Thank you so much Kenya. You are amazing! Well, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be here by 7:30 to make sure that I am settled and prepared for the meeting with administration." I said as I grabbed my purse and brief case. She walked out of my office with a head nod and I followed behind making sure to lock up my office. I sashayed to my car and got in, making sure to check my surroundings in case of any funny business. Security is tight around my firm.

I doubt anything will get past them but you still have to be careful in this day and time. That's why I keep a 9 in my office desk, my purse, my car, and about 5 around my house. My daddy and Odell taught me how to properly protect myself. I zoomed out of the parking garage and to my house. I'm tired and all I want to do is eat, shower, and get in the bed. Lord knows I will need it for tomorrow. Especially if I have to meet with the Giants football player. Don't think that it didn't cross my mind that it could be Odell but I doubt it and I will keep doubting it until I'm proven otherwise.

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