Chapter 69

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*About to start wrapping it up guys... Sorry for the wait.*


After Malik explained everything to Rayne, they texted back and forth for about 3 weeks. Rayne didn't want to meet up nor talk on the phone. She wanted to trust him again and figured that talking to him without seeing him where she would 'give in,' was the answer. Malik didn't like texting at all. He felt as if it was for teens and he would much rather meet up and have his conversations in person. However, for Rayne he'd do anything and if it meant texting back and forth like some 'in love' teenagers that can't see each other because of strict parents, he'd do it and act happy in the meantime. Rayne has had enough though. She's given up and just called him over because she couldn't help but to miss joking around, being in his embrace and most of all watching Malik interact with Rocky. It was therapeutic for her.

While playing with a happy Rocky on the floor she heard her doorbell ring. Without thought she yelled to the front that the door was open. A few seconds later Shane appeared walking towards her with a smile.

"Wassup sis?" He said bending down to kiss her cheek while reaching over tickling a laughing Rocky Brooks.

"Hey Shane. I didn't know you were coming..." She said a little disappointed that it wasn't Malik.

"You told me come anytime... Is this a bad- WAIT! You must got a nigga coming over?!" He said nudging her with his elbow that was originally resting on his knee and then standing up straight while chuckling a bit.

"Why d'you think that?" Rayne said with a small smirk trying to see what gave it away.

"Because I've been popping up almost everyday at different times for that past few weeks and you haven't said anything or eluded that my wonderful presence wasn't wanted." Shane said while placing his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt but actually quite amused at his sister.

"First, when did I say that you can come anytime? Not saying it's a problem I just don't recall saying that. Second, I do have someone on the way... A guy that you don't particularly like so maybe it isn't such a good time but you can come back tonight." Rayne said a bit nervous after basically kicking her brother out that she just met for a guy that he believes betrayed him and their eldest brother which led to his death.

"One that I don' particularly like? I like everyb- wait you talking bout that bitch ass nigga that killed my brother?" Shane said immediately becoming defensive, frowning up his face, furrowing his eyebrows, and backing away from Rayne.

"I didn't kill your brother man. He was my bestfriend, my brother just like you were." Malik said with a tired expression after walking through the door hearing the conversation at hand. He was tired of the blood that Shane constantly tried to put on his hands instead of the nigga who actually did it.

"You were the cause so might as well say you did it... and I'm not and never was your fucking brother bitch ass boy." Shane said with straight anger radiating from his body.

"Okay Shane." Malik said while shaking his head and putting his hands in his pockets. He wasn't in the mood to argue.

"Rayne I'll catch you later. I gotta go." Shane said while still staring daggers into Malik's face. Malik wouldn't look at him, partially why Shane always felt so heavily that Malik was the main cause. He made himself look guilty.

"Alright be safe. Me and Rocky will call you later. I'm probably going to order some food and you can spend the night. Bring Kaycee." Rayne said completely ignoring the situation that had just taken place before her. Shane simply nodded and walked towards the door dangerously close to touching shoulders with an annoyed Malik. He would have bumped Malik no questions asked but for the sake of his sister and nephew, he didn't. Without another word, he walked out of the house and Malik and Rayne absentmindedly stared at each other until they heard Shane's revved engine, distancing as he drove away. Once it was no longer heard Rayne broke the silence.

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