Chapter 41

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Rayne Korvis
Chapter 41

"Rayne?" He asked softly as he stared at me from the front seat.

"The AT&T stadium please

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"The AT&T stadium please." I said my voice cracking a bit.

"Rayne it's me! Malik! Malik Vernon

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"Rayne it's me! Malik! Malik Vernon." He said as Jesse and Ethan stared between us. Their inquisitive faces reaching their peak.

"I'm aware. May you please just go." I said as I looked down and fumbled with my nails. I saw him with my preifereal vision nod disappointed and turn to crank the car.

"How is everything." Malik asked as he pulled off from the hotel getting on the main road.

"Can we just save the small talk please. I don't feel like it Malik."  I said trying to keep my composure, ignoring the looks from my kid and his best friend.

"No, that's fine." He said as if he didn't understand the problem. Playing dumb I suppose. I watched as he took a CD and pushed it inside the reader. All of a sudden I start hearing New Editions, 'Can You Stand The Rain,' blast. My eyes bucked as he turned the up the volume.

"Sir, this is highly unprofessional. I would like it quiet. No music please." I said to him, praying that he would turn down the music or off.
"Yes, ma'am." He said with a sigh as he ejected the CD. I sighed in relief.

It reminded me of old feelings.

Good feelings. Feelings that were so great that I broke up with him because things were going to well and we all know when something is too good to be true, trouble isn't to far behind. I never saw a bad side of Malik. He was always understanding of my Odell situation.

He stayed with me to help me cope when O first left which was another reason why I left. I felt like I was using him as a rebound and he didn't deserve that, at all.

Also, he spoiled me. Not with just gifts and money but with love and affection. He told me that I had been the first girl he had ever truly loved and I felt terrible that I couldn't relate. Although he was treating me as the woman I deserved to be treated like, I was too stuck on O as my best friend and my childhood crush. Even then, Malik stayed.

He comforted me and made me feel like I was worth something. Too this day, I don't understand why I let him go. He never did me wrong and if we had a disagreement we would talk it out.

He didn't believe in going to bed upset at each other. I resent myself for hurting that man like O did me but I couldn't  help it. I was damaged and vulnerable. He swept me off of my feet ready to give me the world and all I wanted was O, in my world. I fumbled his heart like O did mine.

"I'm sorry about what I said. My apologies but do you live down here?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence. I had been rude to him and he did nothing.

"It's fine. No, I don't live down here. I live back in Atlanta. I just moved there actually." He responded.

My heart skipped beats. He lives in my city. My first mind is telling me that I could possibly see him and catch up but that would be disrespectful to O. My second mind is telling me this is bad. Real bad. Not because of Malik, he's chill but because of Odell, he's a jealous person.

If they find out about each other Odell would be pissed to infinity while Malik would be more laid back, trying to avoid conflict.

"Maybe we should catch up. Coffee maybe? Starbucks cappuccino an extra cube of sugar and whip cream, filled to the brim?" He asked me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. He remembered my favorite chill spot and what I always order.

"I'm engaged to be happily married but how do you know I still lived in Atlanta?" I said a bit confused considering Odell chooses to keep me away from the lime light as much as possible for the exception of game days. On these days he shows me off. It's not like the world doesn't know we're together. He just says that I and Ethan are apart of his private life and he doesn't want us over exploited.

"Your law firm is well known throughout the country! I was there supporting when you first was getting it up off the ground. How could I forget?" He said throwing subliminal shade at O.

"True, but if you live in Atlanta why are you in Texas? I asked him as he came to a stop in front of the stadium. He unlocked the doors and spoke.

"I own half of Uber. I like to take road trips sometimes and just drive people in different cities. I guess you can call it a hobby. I mean I have nothing else to occupy myself with.

"No girlfriend?" I asked not being able to stomach the curiosity anymore.

"She left me for her ex best friend." He said as he sighed and turned to look at me. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I just slid my body out of the car trough the door that Ethan held propped open to rid myself of further embarrassment.

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