Chapter 61

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Rayne Korvis

Rayne Korvis

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Chapter 61

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Chapter 61


"Odell, I'm going to have to call you back someone is at the door

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"Odell, I'm going to have to call you back someone is at the door." I said to him interrupting his sentence about coming to pick up Rocky Brooks and Ethan.

"Alright that's fine." He said sighing. I hung up and threw my phone on the couch beside me before sitting Rocky Brooks in the baby carrier. Hurriedly, I stood up and ran to the door. I looked out of the peep hole and nearly fainted when I saw Malik staring down at his feet with his hands in his pockets.

Quickly, I did a breath check and pulled my hair out of it's pony tail shaking it loose and fluffing it lightly. I straightened out my shirt and pulled my shorts down a little more. I opened the door and tried to act surprised. He looked up to me slowly before quickly looking away.

"Hey." I said lowly.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked me seeming genuinely uninterested.

"Trying to make it and get myself together. Whats up though? Why are you here?" I asked a little curious.

"Honestly, I came to see Rocky Brooks." He said a little skeptical.

"Oh... Sure. Come in." I said a little excited yet shocked that he still cared. He walked past me and to the living room, sitting in front of Rocky before picking him up making him speak happy gibberish.

"What's up man? You missed me?" He said with a smile as he stood up Rocky on his lap.

"I think he has missed you, probably as much as me." I said shooting my shot immediately regretting it after he looked at me and didn't respond. Since, I already look dumb theres no stopping me now.

"Umm, Malik... Can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"I'm in your house." He said sighing obviously not wanting to talk. He kept his eyes focused on Rocky Brooks.

"Supposed to be our house." I muttered to myself.

"Could've been but I'm never good enough." He muttered back letting me know he heard me.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I know that means nothing to you after all that I've put you through but Malik... Every time I try to imagine your perception of me I can only think of it to be completely terrible. I love you Malik. I never stopped. The problem is I love Odell too and I can't help that because I gave him a part of me... He was my first everything. For gosh sakes he gave me my first child but what I kept forgetting was the fact that he also gave me my first heart break, my first time to feel betrayal, and my first everything negative. You gave me everything completely opposite and I finally realized that I can't do it anymore. He's toxic for me. All he does is make me cry and you make me smile." Malik sat Rocky Brooks back into his carrier and stood up. He made quick strides towards the door avoiding me. I ran in front of him stopping him from exiting the door.

"Please, just take me back."

"I'm tired of this. I'm tired of getting attached to you for you to just play me in the end. I'm a good man and I deserve better! I would never leave you, hit you, treat your kids bad, disrespect you or cheat on you. Yet, I guess that's what I would have to do in order to keep you because thats what you like. You like to be treated like you're not anything of value. I'm sorry but I wasn't raised like that. I was raised to treat whoever I'm with like a queen, like they're the only person on earth with my attention, like they mean something to me. God knows you mean everything to me but when I try to show you I guess it's to much for you to handle considering what you're used to. Think about it Rayne, I have never did you wrong out of all of the time we spent together... Now think about Odell and all of the things he's done to you. We're on completely different levels and every time you get to me somehow you get sucked back into his little vacuum of lies. Then when you realize what you lost you want to come crawling back to me. I took you back thinking that you were truly ready to get over him but you flaked on me once again. Now here you are asking me for another chance but how do I know that you're not going to run back to him? Hmm? I don't know and I can't allow myself to get hurt again. There are other women who wish to have a man like me but here I am running up behind you. I love your kids like they're mine and even that doesn't speak volume. Do you think other men would bother coming to check on your children often even when you two aren't on good terms when he's not even the biological father? I'm sure the answer is no because that's pretty rare. You're ungrateful and I can't handle that anymore. Tell Ethan I'm sorry I didn't get to see him but I'm going to try to get some tickets to a NBA game soon so make sure he texts me. I got to go. Bye Rayne." He said to me before gently moving me to the side and walking out of the door. I sighed just as my baby Rocky started crying. I wasn't far behind letting the water works flow myself... Why do I always mess up when I finally have a good man that only wants me and accepts me whole heartedly?

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