Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

The bell just rang signifying that it was time to go to class and my nerves are bursting in my abdomen. At this point I just wish that I would've listened to Ethan and got my schedule changed to his classes. My first class is English and none of the guys are in my class.

"You okay?" Eli asked me as he stopped in front of his first period class that was directly across from mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him with a smile wishing that I could believe myself. He looked at me a little skeptical before shaking his head and speaking again.

"Look, it's not a hassle. If you want to change your schedule we can do that. I'll go with you. I don't want you killing yourself with your nervous antics. You been going to this school for years and ever since you got cool with us no one has messed with you. You'll be fine! Stop stressing." He told me. I avoided the beginning of his statement and nodded my head in agreement.

"You're right." I said before taking a deep breath and walking inside of my class room. Half of the class was already in here and conversing but when I walked in some of them chuckled, some smiled and some payed me no attention. I shook off the stares and found a seat in the near the back of the class in the far right corner. I sat down in the desk and just observed the room and the aura of the other students. It seemed lit but I could already tell this would be a pretty chill class and we wouldn't have much to do. A group of tall guys and a really pretty girl that I haven't ever seen around here walked in the class laughing just as the tardy bell rung. They were all fine and fresh as hell. They looked like they just stepped out of heaven and was given the physical graces of God himself. Hairlines were crispy, hair curly and faded, clothes screaming for blazing attention, shoes voicing status, skin clear, teeth straight, fun personalities and nice vibes. All of the things that were about to make the girls in this high school fall to their knees, literally. The girl was absolutely breathtaking. She had clear brown glowing skin, loose curly hair, straight teeth, strong facial structure and a nice thick frame, mirroring my size. They took the seats near me. Two being in front of me, along with the girl behind me, another across from the one in front of me, behind him was another specialty of God the father, the final one who was directly beside me.

"What it do? I'm Legend. This kid in front of me is Prince, beside me is Marquess but we call him Mark, across from you is Royal, and behind you is Princess." The one in front of me said to me in an extremely deep New York accent as he sat down in his seat sideways. Trying not to be nervous and get choked up I responded.

"Hey. I'm Jesse. Nice to meet y'all." I responded with a smile. He returned it and looked at the other guys.

"Nice to meet you too. These fools are my brothers. I'm the only girl, sadly." Princess said behind me.

"I'm an only child. I wish I had as many siblings as you." I responded as I turned sideways in my seat.

"Girl no you don't. You are blessed! All the attention from your parents are on you." I chuckled a little at her oblivion opinion.

"Nah, girl. My mama is dead and my daddy is on drugs, an arm and a leg in the grave." I told her shaking my head.

"Damn, shorty." Mark said with shocked eyes.

"How you living?" Prince asked me with his face scrunched up.

"The Lord as my rock, uncle as my legal guardian, and my friends as my family." I said being straight up.

"You mad strong ma." Royal said as he shook is head and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Word on my moms." Princess agreed.

"Word on my moms?" I asked her in confusion.

"Let me guess. Down here y'all say, on my mama?" She said as she tried to imitate what I guess we sound like. I laughed at her impersonation and nodded my head.

"The rest of America says that so I figured." Princess said with a pretty smile. Our teacher cleared her throat making the entire class room settle down.

"Good morning students. My name is Mrs. Beamer and I am your Senior English teacher. In the past years you did a lot of reading and annotating literature but this year you will be doing more projects that require you to be involved and work with others. This should be a fun year if you cooperate, respect me and your peers, and give me your best effort. I don't have any rules but I do expect for you to behave as if you are already out of high school. I know that this can be the most exciting time of year and that you can get caught up in a lot of other things but when you enter my classroom I expect it to be all about English. Do not come in my classroom with the drama, disrespect, or fighting. If you can follow these instructions than your year in my class will be the most memorable of all. Now you all are sitting in four columns with rows of six going straight across. Look to the person on your right and that is your partner for your first project. This project will be done in class and out of class. If you can't schedule anything outside of my class then you are welcome to grab lunch during that time and come in here to work on it. You will research with your partner an artist from the 90s and pick five of their lines from one of their songs to present them to the class along with sharing why they are so important, inspiring, and/or an important life lesson. I will give you the rest of this class to think of what artist or what music group in the 90s you want to research. If you have any questions just raise your hand and I will be by your desk." Mrs. Beamer said.

I looked to my right to find that I was just looking at the wall. Then I realized that I was sitting all the way by the wall, meaning my partner was on the left of me. I turned my head slowly to the left making my eyes meet directly with Royals. The class started to chatter with their partners so I took this opportunity to speak.

"Anybody special in mind?" I asked him. He looked directly into my eyes and cocked his head. I raised an eyebrow just as he spoke.

"Aaliyah." He said as he glanced off to his sister who was listening to Rodney, her partner. Rodney was a whole hoe and I think she could tell. She definitely wasn't interested though.

"Aye, chill. Real talk. She not interested my g." Royal said speaking up for his sister. She silently thanked him with her eyes as Rodney rolled his with annoyance.

"Yo, you got a problem?" Prince said as he came into the discussion after seeing Rodney roll his eyes.

"Nah bro but listen. Y'all the new niggas on the block. You don't run nothing around here. Ion know about them silly cats in New York homie but down here in the A, its best that you shake that bass out of your voice aight my man?" Rodney spoke with boldness.

Nobody messed with Rodney and if you saw his hands in action, you'd understand why. Honestly, they should've left it alone when he didn't address what Royal said. Now they got beef on the first day.

"Yo, G I give you mad props for that rep for your city but in New York we don't fight, we bang blood. Pick your battles wisely homeboy." Royal said as he pulled up his shirt showing a hand gun in his waistband followed by Prince, Legend, Marquess, and even Princess after an annoyed sigh. My eyes glanced at all the weapons and I immediately wondered how they got in here with all these guns passed the metal detectors.

Rodney nodded his head at them with a small deep chuckle. I could tell he held no fear in his heart, mind, body or soul toward these New York niggas.

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