Chapter 14

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Rayne Korvis 

Chapter 14

"I had so much fun with you and Odell today." Ethan said as he came down the stairs. We had did everything we planned to do including going to the mall. Odell paid for everything even when I objected. He truly spoiled us. 

"We had fun with you too Big E... Didn't we Rayne?" Odell said as he looked over at me. 

"Yup." I responded while scooping all of us some ice cream. Odell was leaning on the island while watching me. I handed Odell his ice cream first and then I handed Ethans to him. As soon as I finished scooping mine and putting the bucket back into the freezer my phone started ringing. Odell handed it to me and I looked at the caller I.D. It was Ronda. 

"Hey." I said to her. 

"Hey..." She said in a shaky whisper. I scrunched my eyebrows. 

"Are you okay Ronda?" I asked. Immediately Ethan and Odell looked at me. 

"Umm, what are you all doing. Is Ethan having fun?" She asked even lower. She didn't sound okay. 

"Yeah, he's fine Ronda. I sent you a picture of him and Odell. We all hung out today. We went to the arcade, pizza shack, and then the mall. Odell bought him some stuff." I said to settle her considering thats what she's anxious to know. 

"That's great. I bet he is happy." She said. I was tired of her beating around the bush. 

"Ronda stop. What's going on you don't sound okay." I said worried. 

"I'll be fine. Rayne I have something to tell you." She said quickly. 

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked her. 

"I have to leave. May you keep Ethan? I have no choice." She said on the verge of tears. 

"Yeah, for how long. I can keep him until Monday for sure."

"No, Rayne. Like keep him. Like raise him. I know you can do it. I don't trust anybody else with him. I know you will raise him to be the best young man he can be and successful. I already put the custody papers in your mailbox. If you choose not to keep him, he will have to go to foster care. All you have to do is sign the papers and take them to the courthouse. I have a friend up there named Sharon Brown. She will make sure the papers are submitted. Please take him Rayne." She said as she began to sob. 

"Yeah I'll keep him but Ronda tell me whats wrong." I said as I walked out of the kitchen. I didn't want Ethan hearing the rest of our conversation. He has already heard to much. 

"I can't. Just know that I'm on my way to Cuba. I'm changing my name to Shelly and I'm being forced." She said frantically. 

"Can't you call the police? Do you want me too? There are things you aren't telling me. I can help you!" I cried to her. 

"No, Rayne you can't. Nobody can. Calling the police will do no good. There are dirty cops that are working for my kidnapper. It'll only hurt you and me because they will kill me for snitching and kill you because you know. I promise Rayne I will be thinking of a way to escape but right now my hands are tied. If you don't see or hear for me within two months, know that I love you and Ethan. Tell him that I'm sorry and I never meant for this to happen. Also, Rayne promise me you will bring my son to Cuba on his sixteenth birthday. I'll make sure that I call you on that day at 12:00 noon. Don't forget. Also, there will be a tracking device implanted in me through my private by my kidnapper. Only he and a man name Shooter will know where I am at all times. Find Shooter the day before my sons sixteenth birthday so you know where I am. I will have my kidnappers trust by then and I will plan an escape. Okay?" She said quickly in a whisper. I was sobbing uncontrollably from the news that I just received. However, I will follow everything that she asked me to do because I want to see her alive again. 

"Okay. Where are you now?" I'm in the bathroom at the airport. Once I walk out they will confiscate my phone and destroy the sims card." She said to me. I nodded my head as if she could see me. 

"Rayne?" She said as if something had just crossed her mind." 

"Yeah Ronda?" 

"Make sure my son doesn't forget about me. Oh, and make something up I don't want him to know right now. Even if he hates me later." She said. 

"Okay Ronda. I promise." I said as I tried to calm myself. Odell and Ethan had followed me into the room. I don't know what type of lie to make up but I have to think of something fast. 

"Okay, I love you Ronda." 

"I love you too. Pray for me." She said to me. 

"I will." I responded while wiping my tears.

"Alright bye." She said.

"Okay bye." I said to her. I heard her end the call and I tried to hold my self together. 

"Is my mommy okay? Is she still coming to pick me up tomorrow?" Ethan asked me. 

"Yeah Ethan. Your mother is fine. You will be living with me though. She's having a hard time and   she told me that she can't provide for you right now. She didn't tell me where she is going but she told me to tell you that she loves you and she is sorry. She will see you as soon as she can." I said telling half of the truth. He started crying and Odell picked him up. He calmed him down and turned the tv on. He said something to him and he laid down while crying silently. 

I grabbed Odell and ran up the stairs with him. I told him the truth and everything that ronda told me. He was in shock.

"Well Rayne, I'm not about to let you go through this alone. Since you are the temporary mother/caregiver. I'll step up and help you out. Be his temporary father." He said to me before hugging me. I sobbed on his shoulder. He held me until I eventually fell asleep with the next six years on my mind. I felt him release me and go downstairs to tend to Ethan. I'm glad that O came back in my life when he did. I don't know what I would do without his help. I have to figure out how to alter my career to where I can be there for Ethan and still have my firm up and running. 

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