Chapter 3

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"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen." I said to the staff. They all responded various polite responses. I smiled at all of them.

"I first want to personally thank every single one of you for working here at Korvis Law Firm. Whatever position you are as an employee here, contributes greatness to this firm. Everything that you do is greatly appreciated and helps everything go a little smoother. Every one has their own personal routine in how they run things and that makes business much less hectic and chaotic. With that in mind, every single one of you is getting a raise of $10 more dollars. Over the years, this company has become worth billions. We cut down on certain expenses and that gave us an extra $500 every month, so instead of me being selfish and keeping it for myself, I decided to split it with all 50 of you. Not every one in this firm worked hard enough in my eyes to be deserving of this raise. Every single one of you were hand picked by me of who deserved more money. So congratulations. Also I wanted to promote Kya Washington and Malik Larry to head of the Civil Attorney department. Together, they have won over 50 cases within the last 2 months. That's great news. So meet Kenya on next Wednesday to look over everything and reassign your badges. Once again congratulations to everyone. Refreshments are in the break room so eat up and if there are any leftovers, please take them home. You are dismissed." I announced.

Every one clapped and thanked me before heading to the break room. God blessed me with an amazing staff and I'm going to reward them as much as I feel that they deserve it as long as the funds are there for me to do so.

"Great, that's out the way. So now, do you want me to accompany you at the courts or do you want me to stay here and forward calls and emails?" She asked me. I thought about it for a moment and decided to allow her to stay. I noticed that when someone isn't managing my calls, than it can get crowded quickly and some people don't leave voice mails so that is money lost. Not on my watch.

"It'll be quick. You can stay. All I have to do is let her know the key points of the case and let her know that I know that she let her little cousin off for the same thing. She doesn't want me to go to trial and throw that in her face. She could lose her job because you are not supposed to take cases from family members. She isn't slick and she knows not to play with me." I said confidently.

"Okay, that's fine Miss. Boss Lady." Kenya said while laughing lightly. I winked and started to walk back to my office. I grabbed my brief case and walked out but not before locking my door. I quickly walked to the parking garage and to my car before heading to the courts. Get ready Judge Brown.

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