Chapter 12

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"I want to come over tonight. Are you doing anything?" Odell asked me through the bluetooth in my car as I was on my way to pick up Ethan.

"I'm going to be chilling with Ethan. I'll probably take him to the arcade, then to eat Pizza and then we'll watch movies all night." I told him.

"I'm about to be bored out of my mind tonight." He said. I could tell he wanted me to ask him to tag along with us. I rolled my eyes before asking.

"How about you tag along with us. I mean you're like his role model any way." I said boosting his ego.

"Yeah, we can link up. I'm going to save Ethan from the lame." He joked.

"Whatever. Since I'm by your house, I'm about to come pick you up. Be ready in two minutes. I'm turning on Ivory. I told him.

"Bet." He told me before he hung up. I checked my watch and I had exactly 8 minutes before school was out. If Odell is out in two minutes then I can make it right on time.

I turned into his driveway and I admired his house as I did two days ago after the cookout.

Outside. Don't make me late. I said in a text to O.

I laid my head back on my head rest just thinking about how crazy my past week has been in a good way. I let out a small smile when I realized how blessed I am. I owe all the accolades to the Lord, my parents, and Odell, even in his absence. I'm thankful that the Lord placed these people in my life to help me accomplish all that I have. I'm thankful for all of the encouragement and all of the money that my parents provided for me. Also, I'm thankful for all of the sleepless nights that Odell stayed up with me listening to my plans, listening to me with my attitudes and overall just being there for me.

I heard knocking on the passenger window. I looked over quickly to see O standing there waiting for me to unlock the door. I clicked the unlock button and waited for him to get settled. Once he was in he spoke.

"What's good?" He said greeting me as I pulled out of the driveway. I turned out of Ivory and merged onto the main road on my way to Ethan's school.

"Life is lit." I responded.

"What was you in here thinking about while you had me outside?" He asked as he turned to look at me. I glanced at him before responding.

"I was just appreciating where I am and thanking God for all the people he put around me who helped me get to this point." I said.

"I guess I wasn't one of those people." O said.

I swear the two years that I was upset over seemed like a lifetime. My anger blinded me of the important part. Odell was there for me the whole entire time up until that point. I have to give honor to every part of my life that he graced his presence with.

"Odell. You were there for me my whole entire life up until right before we both became successful. You are a big part of my success. You listened to me plan, complain, cry and brag. If no one else was there, you were. I'll never be able to say that you didn't push me to be great." I told him as I turned into the school parking lot. I parked in front of the school.

"Come on lets get out." I said to him as I cut the car off.

"Why?" He asked me as he closed my door and began to lean against the car.

"Cause' I always wait for him on the outside of my car so he knows where I'm at. They should be being dismissed any minute now." I said to Odell as I leaned against my car beside him.

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