Special Thanks

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First, I want to give all honor to God who is the head of my life and the one who has allowed me to reach as far as I am today. It's truly a blessing to serve a God that keeps blessing me time after time and for that, I owe my entire life to Christ.

Secondly, I want to thank my mother who has made sure I grew up with proper education. She made sure that I always used my grammar correctly and that I could form complete sentences without having to elaborate on it for a while. (Yes, I'm not perfect and I'm sure I have made grammar mistakes somewhere before.)

Thirdly, I want to thank my family. Anyone who is apart of my family including my closest friends, I want to thank you for supporting me through everything. It means a lot. I also want to thank my fans because in a way, we are all family. All of you who read my books and support me, we have our own little family. Books brung us together and nothing will tear us apart.

Finally, I want to thank Wattpad. I want to thank Wattpad because without it, I wouldn't have anywhere to write other than a notebook, no one to share it with, and I would have a lot of ideas that I couldn't publish. Thank you Wattpad for the whole concept of it all. Writing stories and updating chapters, is all convenient, easy, and fun. There isn't a day that I don't search Wattpad for new books. Thank you Wattpad for the escape from this crazy world.


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