Chapter 48

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Ethan Mack
Chapter 48

Being yanked up by my biological mother brought back memories that I've wanted to leave in the past. As far as I'm concerned, Ronda Mack is not my mommy she's my mother. Rayne Korvis is my mommy and so much more. She has also been here with me for the past 6 or so years.

"What do you want." I said to her once we reached the kitchen. I hopped on the counter and straightened my newly wrinkled t-shirt out.

"We about to establish some boundaries because I'm tired of you talking to me like you don't got no sense. I am your mother whether you like it or not. You will not disrespect me because neither I or Rayne taught you that. You will speak to me with a ma'am on the end and you will not answer me like you have an attitude. You better stuff any type of testosterone you got deep down in that voice box. No huffing and puffing when I speak and I better not see another got damnit eye roll. Understood?" She asked me with her finger in my face.

I looked at her sharply before speaking.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked her with my face scrunched.

"I believe that's a yes ma'am." She said to me with one eyebrow raised and a hand on her hip.

"What?" I said refusing to say what she wanted making her cock her arm back and punch me dead on my collar bone. It hurt and I wanted  to cuss her out but I wouldn't dare.

"Yes.... ma'am." I said to her fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Roll them. I dare you." She said. We had a slight stare off before she continued.

"I didn't leave you because I wanted to throw away my motherly duties. I loved raising you but I had messed up. I started dating this guy that was no good for me and I knew it. I didn't think he was harmful though. Simply, a little rough around the edges. I was sure I could straighten him out though. I was wrong. I noticed early on that he was real possessive but I overlooked it, thinking that he was just the jealous type. He started to hit me and I refused to have you around that type of danger. Usually, Rayne would take you a lot on the weekends so I made up plenty of excuses to not visit him during the week because I knew that I would have to bring you around that. I tried to leave but it only made matters worse. He was a real big dealer and I knew he had eyes on me so I refused to talk to other dudes. My whole priority was you and your safety. One day he told me that I was going to move to Cuba with him. I thought he was just playing until he told me he already had the tickets and the plane set up for that night. He said I could bring you but I didn't want you around a man like him. He didn't even ask me... He commanded me to go while holding a gun to my head just in case I were to object. I agreed and asked if I could go to the store beforehand for some snacks. I called Rayne and told her what the deal was. She agreed to adopt you legally and that was that. I basically gave over my rights before leaving. I can't tell you how much it hurt me to leave you but it was for the best and now that I'm back, I believe that was the best thing I could've done. You've turned out great, except for your few disrespectful antics but we'll work on that. I love you and I'm proud of you." She said to me.

I was completely shocked at the news and semi disappointed in my actions towards her. Not totally because I was unaware. I don't think it was completely my fault so I can't practically be the blame. I couldn't speak so I just walked up to her and embraced her. I hugged her tightly, before taking a sigh. A sigh releasing all my personal pain and resentment towards my mother. Of course it wasn't all going to vanish but I could start by not holding a grudge towards my mother for something she had no control over. She pulled away and wiped a stray tear on her face.

"I love you too." I said to her before pulling her back into me. I think I needed this hug more than she did. I missed her. I felt like I was somewhat whole again. The only thing I needed to find out now was where my dad was. It's something me and Jesse had been trying to figure out for some time. Now, that me and my other mom is cool again, maybe she can help me.

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