Chapter 19

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Third Person Omniscient

Rayne stood up and stretched. She was about to go check on Ethan.

"Where you going?" Odell asked his fiancé.

"To go get Ethan. I want to spend some time with him. I'm going to take him to the fair." Rayne said as she began to walk towards the back yard. She saw Ethan in the pool talking to someone. She curiously followed his gaze until it landed on Jesse. She raised her eyebrows. She saw Jesse holding her phone inside her hand while trying not to cry. Rayne began to wonder why she looked like she was going to cry. At first, the thought of Ethan bullying her crossed her mind but it left as soon as it came. She knew that Ethan would never do that. She saw Ethan hurriedly jump out the pool.

Rayne shifted her gaze to the girl and saw that she had started to cry. Ethan ran towards her and pulled her up out of her seat. She stood up trying to cover her face. He pulled her into him and she began to cry on his shoulder. She slowly wrapped her arms around his shoulders as his arms held her tightly around her mid-section. Rayne was on the verge of tears. It wasn't until this moment, she realized that her little boy was growing up. She could tell he liked this girl and she could also tell that he was a friend to her. As long as nothing sexual would happen, she was fine with it. She thought it was adorable. She decided to wait just a little more so that she wouldn't ruin their little moment. She saw the girl starting to collapse. Ethan held her as he fell with her. She laid on his chest as he held them both up in a seated position.

Rayne saw him say something to her but she couldn't make out what it was

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Rayne saw him say something to her but she couldn't make out what it was. She saw the unknown girl nod her head and give him her phone. Ethan did something then started to type something on her phone. He gave it back to her. She slipped it into her pocket and stood up slowly. She held her hand out to Ethan in attempt to help him out. He laughed a little before taking her hand. As he pulled himself to get up, she fell due to his strength. Ethan started to laugh again and Jesse started to chuckle.

She was a bit to weak to help him up. This time he got up and helped her up. She thanked him. They kind've just stared at each other in the eyes. Rayne decided to go out now. She opened the door, causing Ethan and Jesse to break their gaze.

"Hey y'all." Rayne spoke.

Jesse waved shyly.

"Whats up momma." Ethan said with a slight smile.

"Nothing much. Who's your friend." Rayne asked already knowing the answer.

"This is Jesse. Jesse, this is my mother, Rayne." Ethan answered, pointing between the two of them.

"Hello Miss. Rayne. How are you?" Jesse said politely.

"I'm fine, and you?" Rayne asked with her eyebrow slightly raised.

"I'm trying to make it." Jesse said as she sighed.

"I know you'll make it. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." Rayne said. Jesse nodded.

"Well Ethan, I came to tell you that I'm taking you to the fair as soon as you get dressed. Eli and Elliot are unavailable. Do you have any other friend you would like to take with you?" Rayne asked.

"I'll take Jesse if thats fine with you and her." Ethan said a bit nervous. He had never taken a girl out with him and his mother.

"Yeah thats fine. Jesse just call your mother and be ready in about 30 minutes." Rayne said.

"My mother is dead and my father is on drugs." Jesse said sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Who do you live with?" Rayne asked a bit curious.

"My uncle. He's at work but i'll ask and if I can come I will be at your front door." Jesse said still a little nervous.

"Okay, let us know." Rayne said.

"Yes ma'am." Jesse said as she began to walk back towards her house. Ethan hurriedly caught her hand and pulled her into him.

"Never leave without giving me a hug." Ethan whispered to her. She wrapped her hands around his neck and hugged him back as she smiled slightly.

"Thank you." She whispered to him.

"Your welcome." Ethan said to her as he released her. He watched her walk into her house before he began to walk into his own house. Rayne hurriedly wiped her eyes so he wouldn't notice the tears. She was successful. She went back to the living room to wait for Ethan. She prayed that the night was successful.

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