Chapter 47

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It's about to happen y'all!

Rayne Korvis

Chapter 47

After arriving at my house after an emotional yet amazing day I just had to take a deep breath right in front of my house. I took the breath because I knew I was starting a new journey with a new man, and this time with a baby.

I'm confident that I can raise this baby right but it doesn't stop my nervousness. When I started raising Ethan he was 10 and Ronda had established the core values and morals in him already. He was already respectful when I started to raise him which makes me skeptical on how good I might raise this child. I'll need all the help from God that I can get.

I unlocked the door with my key to see Ethan and Jesse watching a movie. Jesse was laid out on the floor in a crop top and some nikey shorts while Ethan was sitting on the couch with some basketball shorts and socks on. He wasn't slick. The only reason he wasn't on the floor with her is because of the view he had in front of him. I'm sure he wasn't even watching the movie, probably just Jesse. I smirked at him.

"What?" He asked me as if he was the most innocent boy.

"You are not slick E. I don't trust you on that couch. Move somewhere where you aren't tempted to touch Jesse inappropriately where I might have a grandchild." I whispered into his ear. He chuckled and moved to the floor not to far from Jesse. I shook my head and walked up the stairs on my way to Ronda's room. I heard shuffling as I reached the top step, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion. 

"Ronda?" I said as I walked into her room. It was completely empty of her things. She had her purse on her shoulder and a suitcase in her hand. 

"Hey Rayne." She said as she began to look around the room, clutching her suitcase a little longer. 

"Where you going?" I asked her a little upset to see her basically trying to sneak out of my house like she's a teen. If you want to leave than just tell me. 

"I'm moving out. I have enough to get my own place. I've already moved everything and bought furniture for a house about 30 minutes outside of Atlanta, Acworth to be exact." She said before clearing her throat. 

"Why you didn't just tell me? I would;t have minded. It's not like you were going to stay forever." I asked her. 

"You got enough going on right now... You know with the baby, Odell, and Malik, Ethan and that girl thats always over here. 

"Well, make sure you say bye to Ethan. I don't know hat he'll say but you should say goodbye." I said before I walked out of her room and down the stairs with her following behind me. We walked into the room to see the kids watching television still. 

"Ethan. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Ronda said, a little less broken, with her mama voice on. 

"I don't feel like it." Ethan said glancing back at her before turning back towards the television. 

"Boy, get your ass in that kitchen." Ronda said folding her lips like her old self. I wanted to smile, due to how she was standing her ground. 

"Excuse me?" He said a little shocked, while sitting up and looking her in her eyes. 

"I'm not playing with you no more. I said get up." Ronda said as she yanked him up by his shirt and dragged him to the kitchen. I shook my head and waddled up the stairs so they could have some much needed privacy. 

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