Chapter 32

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Rayne Korvis

Chapter 32

"Odell do you think they will be fine without us? I'm a little skeptical about them roaming the streets of a country that we don't live in. It's just not safe to me." I said to him as I checked my phone for the fifth time as we were out on our dinner date. I honestly can't focus on my fiancé because I'm worried about my kids.

"Baby they will be fine! They are damn near grown. We can't shelter them for our entire life. In two years Ethan will be legal and out of our house. He needs to learn how to be a man for himself and for Jesse. Now put your phone up and pay attention to your man. I'm trying to address our future.

"You're right." I said sighing.

"Now, I know we said we wanted to wait but can you give me an exact date when we will have some kids? I'm starting to catch baby fever. I was scrolling through instagram and I see these pretty babies. I want my own." O said to me. I was caught off a guard by his question but i felt that it was about time to talk about it.

"I can't give you an exact date O, but I'm ready..." I said to him nervously.

"Did I just hear what I think I heard?" Odell asked happily.

"Yes, O. We can start trying for a baby. I didn't want to try before marriage but I've been having baby fever to. I'm tired of waiting. I love you and through the years of you helping me raise Ethan, I am assured that you will be a great father and won't leave me or your child.You've proven yourself to me that you're worthy of planting a baby in me. Not that you had to prove yourself to me but you did and I love you more and more everyday because of this." I told him. He stood out of his seat and walked to my side of the table. He pulled me up and hugged me.

"I need you." He said to me.

"I need you too O

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"I need you too O. I love you." I said to him.

"I love you too Rayne." He told me before releasing me from the hug. We sat down and my phone started ringing. I fought the urge to answer it as I stared in Odell's eyes. He laughed at me challenging myself. It rung again and I gave up. I picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Rayne, It's Jesse and we have a problem. Can you make it to the hotel? Quickly?" She said frantic.

"Sure baby. I'll be there in a minute." I said. Odell looked at me with confused eyes.

"Something is wrong. Jesse just called me telling me to hurry to the hotel. I knew my instincts weren't telling me anything wrong. I knew leaving them was a bad idea." I said beating myself up because I went against my first intuition.

"Damn. Come on." Odell said jumping up and running out of the restaurant. The waitress came over frantic trying to see what was wrong.

"Ma'am. I apologize but we are going to cancel our order. We have a family emergency." I said as i began running.

"Okay, be safe." She yelled. I put hand up to let her know that I heard her.

Lord, please let my children be alright. They're my world.

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