Chapter 45

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Odell Beckham Jr. 

Chapter 45

"Aye man, you cool over there?" My team mate asked me. I looked at him before looking back at the stripper in front of me. I threw some ones before looking back at Victor. 

"Is that even a question?" I asked him with a big smile on my face. It's been over six years since I've been to a strip club and I am having a blast. While Rayne and her son and his girlfriend went back to Atlanta, I decided to stay back in Texas for a while to have some me time. I've been in her face for years and I realized what I was missing in the celebrity life. I honestly miss her but I don't have time for a family right now. 

I'm sure she going to continue to be great without me so there really is no need right now. I thought I could do it. I thought I could be the man she needed and the father her son needed but I'm just not ready. I'd just rather cut it off than to cheat on her and have her hurt. I couldn't break up with her to her face. I figured the best thing for me to do was just leave without saying my good riddance. Of course, she's going to be angry at me but she seems to be doing greater when I'm not in the picture. I can't say I don't feel guilty though. She been blowing up my phone trying to see about me but I'm not feeling her right now. 

The hardest part isn't even leaving her. It's leaving Ethan, that's my boy. I'm afraid he won't want to talk to me, which I won't mind because while I was in his life, I was fully devoted to being his father. I don't want to be his half ass father.  I want to either be there or not. Ain't no sense in playing with his heart. My logic may not make any sense to anyone else but it makes sense to me. 

"Okay. That's enough." I said to the stripper who was about to start bouncing on me. She nodded and walked away. I dapped up some of my single team mates who stayed behind. 

"I'm about to head out." I said to them. Some of them nodded and some of them were concentrated on the booty aerobics in front of them. I walked out of the club and to my car. I don't drink so I'm completely sober and well enough to drive. I got in the car and zoomed out of the parking lot on my way to an apartment I rented before I even got down here. 

I started to weigh my pros and cons as I drove down the dark and gloomy road. If I leave Rayne, theres a chance, I'll never have her again as my lady no matter how prepared I am. Not only that, she may not even forgive me and let me in as a friend. However, if I go back and confess to her my feelings and try to work out some type of agreement, theres a chance she may forgive me and continue because I realized my wrongs. Also, if I go back I'll still have my family without having to fight as much. I guess I'm just scared to go back now. I feel like I'm to far gone. I waited to long. Bringing myself back to reality, I parked in the parking garage and got out of the car. I locked the doors and ran up to my apartment, eager to lay down. I unlocked the door and walked in cutting on the lights. I laid down on the couch and pulled out my phone seeing plenty of Instagram notifications. I looked through some of the tags and followed some of the fan pages. 

I liked a few photos down my time line before coming upon a picture of Rayne that Ethan posted. The picture was beautiful. She was glowing and smiling one of her shy smiles. See, I knew she'd do better without me. Her hair was pulled back but a few stray pieces lingered in her face. Her dimples were deep and her face was absolutely flawless. I miss her, no lie. I read the caption and it made my heart shatter a little. 

mackdaddye- Literally, her closest man at this point. I love you mama. 

My mouth dropped at his caption. This means he's aware and that he most likely feels some type of way as well. I didn't expect to lose my main man at this point. I scrolled through the curious comments until I ran across a comment from Rayne. 

raynekorvis- I love you too baby boy. It's me and you.

I had to get off Instagram on that note. 

Ding! I heard my phone beep. I checked my text messages and it was a text from Rayne so I opened it. I read her message and as soon as I was done my heart shattered completely this time. 

My Baby Ray- I honestly have no clue where you are, what you're doing, who you're with and if you even have me across your mind but I miss you. This is my second time going through this shit with you and I refuse to repeat this stupid cycle you have. I will not give you another chance nor will we ever be cool. You promised me that you wouldn't leave me and you even promised me you wouldn't leave Ethan. Yet, you broke your promise. Still no response from you and its going on 5 days. I know you're okay because you still post on Instagram. This lets me know that you just don't want to talk to me. You avoiding me has completely pissed me off to no return. Ethan is passing with all A's and I'm not depressed so we're fine without you. I can't say we don't miss you and need you but we definitely are okay. Enough of me pouring out my feelings. Since I can't reach you... Don't call me, text me, email me, call my firm, show up at my firm, call the house or bother calling anyone I know. I'm moving out of the house because I can't move on knowing that I'm in your house. Don't bother looking for me. Oh, and by the way... I'm six months pregnant you bastard. 

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